How To Create Beautiful Wedding Invitations… via: @every.little.something #wedding #weddingvideo

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The noise is mostly peaceful domestic violence.


For me wedding is an occasion that comes once in a life time 😅I assure you dats only once in a lifetime for me😊because I will marry the person I love deeply and true love is not a daily newspaper dat comes every morning 😅so I shud say we shud not leave anything undone which our heart wishes❤m not saying force it to happen but we should do atleast the things which are in our hands❤😊
Oohh n yes dats such a beautiful wedding invitation card 😍 ❤❤❤❤❤


To much work. If you're getting married and you want a huge "perfect" wedding you're doing for the wrong reasons. You've been brainwashed by the flower and card companies. You get married because you love eachother and want to spend the rest of your lives together. Not to show off or get as many gifts as possible. The "perfect" weddings never last.
