Is it wise to embrace the terms 'right wing/conservative/far right'?

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Always said this. Good politics does not come from two bad ideas.


"Far right" = Far wrong. But yeh, at least have the courage of your convictions to own up and own who you are.


Most people don't understand what right wing is, for example I've come to the conclusion that government is the most inefficient most expensive way to provide anyone with anything and the competitive free market always rises to meet demand providing everyone with better and better quality products and services at lower and lower cost. That would automatically make me right wing in the proper meaning of the term. I'm also a Catholic, I'm against divorce, against abortion, I think partaking in any sexual practices that pervert the act of sexual reproduction makes the whole LBGTQ+ participants perverts, and I think people should get married young and raise large families in order to be considered productive members of society, which kinda means I'm a conservative. And the fact that I've been voting against Ireland participating in the EU project since I started voting because I want Ireland to be a Sovereign independent island Nation, that makes me a Nationalist.
Very few people when you get down to it are actually in the proper definition of the terms, Conservative Right wing Nationalists, most of the people being incorrectly labeled right wing are centre left liberal Nationalist at best, It's just that the whole political spectrum has swept so extreme left that a centrist seems right wing. Karl Marx would be right wing compared to the current political establishment.
They all chant "house the Irish first", I say it's not the governments job to provide anything for anyone, it's the governments job to maintain an economy in which the citizenry are wealthy enough to provide for themselves, and to ensure that the market remains competitive enough to adequately meet demand keeping prices affordable.


I disagree. We have to embrace those terms and remove the stigma by being completely unashamed. The reason it got this way was because we meekly allowed the far left to define themselves as the good guys and us as the bad guys. Fuck that, we've had enough of their destruction of everything that we value. As Donald Trump rightly said after getting part of his ear shot off, it's time to 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT'.
