How to Install SkLearn in Jupyter Notebook (Scikit-Learn)

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In this video we'll see how to install SkLearn in Jupyter Notebook. SkLearn is a popular python framework for ML, it's also known as Scikit-Learn.

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To install SkLearn(Scikit-learn) in jupyter notebook, you need to do the following steps:
1. Create a new virtual environment
2. Install Scikit-learn and IPYKernel in the environment
3. Setup IPYkernel ko that the environment can be used in Jupyter Notebook
4. Use the new kernel in jupyter notebook and use sklearn.

If you have any problems installing sklearn in jupyter notebook, let me know in the comments below.

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Very nice...could you also share the sample code


bro you told us python -m(write any name) ml (that name ) but it's not working
