React JS Tutorial - 01 BEGINNER BASICS

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Learn how to program a web application with React JS in this beginners tutorial, inspired by Spotify's homepage. I'll take you step by step in Visual Studio code how to make a component, how to organize your components, what JSX is, and how to style your web application with a navigation bar and hero. In Part 2, I'll go over installing and configuring React Router for having different pages on the website.

Level: Beginner

0:00 Intro
0:31 Opening terminal in VS Code to start and stop dev server
1:00 Making our first HTML elements
1:56 How to comment code through easy shortcut
2:20 Analyzing Spotify home page with Google Chrome dev tools
3:23 Making our first React component
5:49 Making our component a npm module / folder
7:37 NavigationBar CSS styles
9:00 Hero (giant pink image in the middle of the page)

♡ Thank you for watching! ♡
Рекомендации по теме

I really like your tutorial series! It's incredibly concise and instead of lengthy hour-long videos, you've broken them down into bite-sized, individual videos. Big thumbs up! 👍 Best from Berlin, Benny


OMG I'm so glad I found your channel!! 🙌❤ Came here for Spotify auth from React, stayed to actually learn React!! When I get my multi-platform music organizer written, you will deserve most of the credit!


A search brought me to one of the later tutorial videos in this series, but I really love your teaching/coding style so I'm going through the whole thing proper now 😤 Thank you for your hard work! As someone familiar to Angular but totally new to React this is a very comfortable pace etc., and I appreciate it :3


Don't mind me, I am just doing my daily job leaving a nice comment to little YouTube channels to encourage them


Hi I need help I did everything and I don’t have the black bar


Hey .. is it possible to make implementation for play to song.. why everyone get stuck at ui😂
