Modeling, Simulation, and Control of 4-Wheeled Mobile Robot in ROS and Gazebo - From Scratch!

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The URDF, Xacro, and Launch files used in this tutorial are given here (fee is required):
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In this Robot Operating System (ROS) and robotics tutorial, we will learn how to build a model and simulate a four-wheeled mobile robot in Gazebo and ROS. First, we will create a robot geometry from scratch by using the URDF and Xacro file formats. Then, we will add the dynamic description of the robot and a controller that will enable us to control the robot by using the keyboard keys. We will use the Gazebo plugin Skid Steer Drive Controller and the teleoperation ROS package teleop_twist_keyboard to control the robot

Here you should keep in mind that this is a physics simulation that relatively accurately represents the dynamical properties of the robot and dynamical behavior. We can control the robot's motion by pressing the keyboard keys. Behind the scenes, there are several ROS nodes that are running and that enable to control of the robot and observe robot states. The control actions are sent as a twist ROS data structure that is converted to mechanical motion by using the Gazebo Skid Steer Drive controller. The model developed in this video tutorial can be improved by including cameras, sensors, lidars, navigation, and SLAM algorithms. We will cover these topics in our future tutorials.
The main motivation for creating this video tutorial comes from the fact that you will often need a simulation environment and a digital twin of a robot to verify path planning, navigation, and SLAM algorithms. It is always a good idea to test the algorithm in a simulation environment before you implement it in a real-life system. This tutorial teaches you how to build a robot model that can be used for verification of navigation and SLAM algorithms.
Also, I noticed that online there are a number of tutorials that explain how to build a robot model in Gazebo and how to simulate it. However, these tutorials are either incomplete or convey inaccurate information. Consequently, I am creating this tutorial to once for clarify the installation process.
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The URDF, Xacro, and Launch files used in this tutorial are given here (fee is required):
It takes a significant amount of time and energy to create these free video tutorials. You can support my efforts in this way:
- You Can also press the Thanks YouTube Dollar button


This video is a gem, can't find a better in depth video then this specially in the niche of ROS. Thnx man.. also appreciate the fact that you took the efforts to make this video in 4k res.


Launch files worked perfectly!! I really needed for my project. Thank you so much!


This is an amazing tutorial, and such are the other ones I have seen from you. Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you very much! this is an amazing tutorial, I really needed for my project but I have ROS2 Humble so what i need to change to do this tutorial again, sir?


Hello, can you make a video for ackermann driving, I am having difficulty finding sources. (Ros humble)


Hello Alexander I would like to ask you something about simulating mass spring damper system in Gazebo. Is it possible to build the model on Gazebo??


Hello new with ROS here,
Will this work for foxy?


is this compatible with the ros2 humble distribution?


Did you use gazebo on virtual machine (windows with installed Virtualbox (or something simillar) and gazebo) ?
