Watching the *CARS* trilogy for the first time & I’m DEFENDING it (some of it)

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Okay, we are watching the CARS TRILOGY for the first time and I was actually surprised because why does this franchise have so... much hate
Cars Reaction

0:00 INTRO
CARS 1 00:20
CARS 2 15:48
CARS 3 30:03


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I'm a grown woman and I still love Cars.


The reason Cars 2 is so different is because the voice actor for Doc Hudson sadly passed away during its making so they had to make a completely different story line.

Cars 3 truly is the real sequel.😌
They had finally worked out a way to continue Mc. Queen's story arc in spite of Doc's absence as well pay homage to Doc in the most respectful way ever.

I actually grew up on this Trilogy and when Cars 3 came out I cried my ass off😭
Every time during the movie when they spoke about Doc it tugged at my heart stings.
By the end I was cry-laughing. Safe to say I cried some more when I found out at the end it was cause Doc's V.A. died and that the new lines in this movie from Doc was actually lines that were recorded for Cars 1 but ended up getting cut🤧😌


"I saw a dinosaur, Dinoco. how does that work?"
Literally a question I've never heard anyone ask ever. You got a point.


I swear some people just hate having fun😭 Cars movies are nice


I actually like Cars 2the most, yes it feels completely out of place, but that's kind of what makes it feel so special, it's like the unexpected cream in the center bookended two films of a completely different type. While Cars is about Lightnings Rookie days and Cars 3 is the end of his career, Cars 2 takes place right in the middle of his Glory Days where anything can happen, and literally that anything that can happen does happen in a way that catches you off guard and says "Wow, are you sure this is the same world, " and the fact that something so out there can happen to these characters that were formerly so down to Earth just gives the sense of how exciting the world can be, that maybe you can be in a small town today, but tomorrow you could be seeing the world in International Espionage, right now you're just getting started, but there is a whole world ahead of you.
And that's also why Cars 3 is so sad, because now you realize that world is now behind you.


I can't believe you caught those birds from the Pixar Short, that's an amazing talent for attention to detail you've got or maybe your one of the few who've seen the Pixar Short For The Birds


😂I get why you’re frustrated with McQueen not finishing his race in Cars 3 but It wouldn’t physically make sense if he won because he’s racing against newer car models. They were literally designed to be better. That’s why Cruz could win, cause she’s part of the new models.

But at least they found a way for him to still be fulfilled with his life even though he can’t race anymore. Also I like how his story mirrors Doc’s. Like Smokey said; the best part of Doc’s career wasn’t racing, it was training McQueen.


The 3rd one is surprisingly good, no one was expecting it after cars 2 but it exceeded expectations totally. The more serious tone was fitting for a final send off


The second movie gets so much shit but it’s honestly my fave like it’s so fun who doesn’t like a spy element 😂


I'm not going to deny that the "I am the bomb! I! Am! The! Bomb!" "Yes! That's what I'm saying! You are the bomb!" scene just always makes me laugh


It’s kind of funny cause Cars 2 is the movie I grew up with, so I have a soft spot for it. But stacked against the 1st one and the 3rd one, I can definitely see why I always see people say that Cars 2 is bad 😂


A few years back, I found myself in the presence of a 1949 Hudson Commodore. The Hudson vehicles really are stunning.


All the Cars movies were legit boss for me. I loved how each ones' story was produced and they're one of those movies where the toon aspect was used good and not overly slapped in your face. At times I completely forgot there's no humans in this movie, but they made the dynamics well and you can feel the heart and soul of the characters, and they felt very human.

Cars: I liked the story about a high ego rookie learning a lesson on life that there's more than just racing and winning. Plus, Doc's backstory about his racing career getting cut short really was a big wake-up slap. But also the fact he hid that identity from everyone for years and the revelation of him being a pro dirt racer really set part of the movie's tone.

Cars 2: I liked the spy elements and the mystery of the movie. But I also liked the dynamic of sometimes friendships are hard, but it's important not everyone will be the same as others. The backgrounds around Japan, Italy, and England, were really great. They made it felt like we were in those areas and they didn't treat them as just a backdrop. Plus, the tribute to Doc was the crème de la crème with this movie.

Cars 3: The story of a veteran wanting to settle the score but also honoring the hardships of a passionate coach really got me a little. The scenes of McQueen questioning Cruz and the two fighting at first and then getting along were nice. It made them understand each others' personalities and styles to training for races. Jackson Storm was a villian I liked because even though he was a cocky and arrogant bastard, he at least had an honor and didn't stoop low like Chick.


In between Cars and Cars 2 there was a series of short cartoons called 'Maters Tall Tales' where Mater claims to be or have seen or all sorts of things, and halfway through every video Lightning asks something like "Well what happened then?" or "You actually expect me to believe that?" and Mater responds "Don't you remember?" or "Well you should" because "you was there too!" and we find out that actually McQueen was actually there on every adventure, and whether Lightning remembers it or not then something happened at the end of it we see something that confirms it actually did happen.
To me Cars 2 was basically a movie length version of one of those shorts. That's why I liked it.


I think that a big part of why Cruz didn't just join a race is car sexism lol, she mentioned feeling out of place on the track and doubting herself, and when you look at the racers they're all guys! Also explains why she didn't know Hudson at first but did know and truly admired the female racer car who was friends with Smokey. Plus why her boss is telling her why she can only be a trainer. I say McQueen was a real one for letting her race!! She truly needed the chance because it was so hard for her to get by them.
Also I think it's the most satisfying end to Lightning's character arc like yeah him winning would've been great because of personal spite but to me this is the best way they could've gone about concluding his story.


Omg I used to hate the 3rd movie when I was younger cause I was so mad the girl won for lightning McQueen and he didn’t 💀


I never cared about cars but my nephew LOVES it so now that I’ve actually sat and watched them with him and I’ve teared up during cars 3 and I’m like omg yikes do I like cars 😂




I frickin love the cars films!! They’re such childhood nostalgia, and yes I was a fully grown adult when the third one came out and you best believe I balled my eyes out 😭 these films are elite, I don’t care what everyone else says 🫶🏻💯


I love your videos, keep up the great work!