SCP-1550 Dr. Wondertainment's Custom Pets

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Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Safe Class object, SCP-1550 Dr. Wondertainment's Custom Pets Animation.

All adult SCP 1550 specimens are to be contained in a sealed 5m by 5m by 5m terrarium simulating desert conditions. SCP1550 eggs are to be kept in their airtight packaging apart from in testing. The total population of SCP-1550 adults are not to exceed twenty at a time.

Watch ALL of DrBob's videos including SCP 150 The Body Stealing Parasite and SCP 3700 Tides of War here:

Narrated by Joe Cliff Thompson
#drbob #scp #animation

I mean a highly adaptable species that is not hostile is honestly the best way to create a pet for everyone. I as a biochemist just want to study the new organ systems... filter feeding on house dust would be incredibly useful and practical


This is why Dr. Wondertainment is my absolute favorite POI.

His motives are absolutely clear. He is one hundred percent genuine. There's no malice. No intent to cause trouble or harm. He genuinely, enthusiastically, likes children and wants to make incredibly special, amazing things for their delight and wonder and enjoyment.

He just gets so excited about an idea that he doesn't always think completely through how there could be resulting dangers.

For instance, Custom Pets: When you place the egg, in a good loving human home, in a place a child plays, you get for sure something harmless and adorable, exactly the unique pet for you to love and cherish. You get EXACTLY what was promised, and that is what Dr. W intended.

But the more wild or hostile or neglectful the environment, the less cute and more dangerous the resulting pet. That is NOT what Dr. W intended. It's something he didn't even think about... because by baseline he assumes all children have happy loving homes, so as a problem.he didn't think about it.
As for the eggs resulting in wierd and hostile animals in wild, dangerous environments... the eggs were never meant to hatch in those environments at all. They're clearly intended to be house pets, and the instructions tell the user to TAKE THEM HOME as part of the instructions of hatching. The idea of someone hatching them randomly out in the woods never occurred to Dr. W, either.

The fact all his products have the EXACT SAME legal disclaimer, even if the products have to be actively misused to the point Wondertainment can't possibly be responsible for resulting harm to be dangerous, is telling he simply doesn't really think about potential issues.


man, the animation has obviously gotten really good since dr bob's team expanded, but with this episode especially, the art and animation are SOOOO good!


"A goldfish never burnt the house down. Though, I suppose there's a first time for everything." New SCP on the scene, the Spontaneously Combusting Goldfish.


I love this SCP! This actually makes me want my own custom pet from Dr Wondertainment, and put the egg in a sweet or peaceful environment to become a truly great pet.


That girl has to be the luckiest person in the SCP universe, she had a run in with an SCP that is random and somewhat aggressive sometimes, and she ended up with a literal fur ball


This one isn't necessarily bad, so long as one knows to keep in a domesticated environment. Like an apartment complex. But also, I am very happy to see the whimsical side of SCP be brought to animation....particularly for the custom pets.


At the very least, I am extremely relieved the girl in the intro turned out okay and with a happy ending.
Crazy I know, but I get so invested into these characters that clearly had thought put into them even if they are there for one episode. The more innocent, the harder for me if they get the chopping block. Animation is always improving, and always blows me away!


I could watch hours of experiments with these eggs. What would it become inside of an active factory? How about inside a pile of swords? Or very close to molten metal, but not inside? Or what if it was suspended in the air with a wind chamber? What if a D-Class swallowed the egg?


I love the “AHH Real Monsters!” ref! So good! I also like the Salacious Crumb looking creature in the desert biome. Ohhhh! The Pepe is so cute too! Love your vids! Keep up the awesome work!


“A highly intelligent octopus with a penchant for toy design” nice Dr. Bob I think you’re onto something lol


The little fuzzy pet that the girl got was so precious, I really wish it was a real animal


You can tell Dr. Wondertainment is a friendly SCP anomoly creator lol I love it


Finally, a cute girl that didn't die horribly, but got a very adorable pet instead. I would love to have a pet like that too, it was so adorable-


I appreciate that Dr. Bob feels bad about the terminated specimens too. Knowing the foundation I suspect the little girl's pet was taken away, but I hope it wasn't. Its such a lovely little creature and she put so much care into its beginnings.


That girl REALLY lucked out on where she put it, like she pretty much got a combination of a cat and a chinchilla with feathers for fur!

You could have ANY kind of pet and your imagination is only the limit! I want one so badly! 😫


'A highly intelligent octopus with a penchant for toy design?"💀

-Dr.bright 2022

"a goldfish never burnt the house down though i suppose there is a first time for everything"💀

-Dr bright 2022


Its crazy how good bob's art and animation has gotten


“Forget the sandwich, the sandwich can wait.”

This is the quality writing I come for! 😂


Being honest the best pet option for this girl seemed to be some type of lizard, probably a beardie. It's got the lower maintenance pet she wants, they can tolerate affection well, only problem is feeding live food
