South Londonderry Township Workshop meeting 10/27/2021

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South Londonderry Township Workshop meeting 10/27/2021

Agenda: (meeting minutes are posted under agenda)


Workshop Agenda – (Joint Municipal Authority & Board of Supervisors)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 7:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies and Introduction
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Changes to Agenda

Public Input

Special Orders (Items listed may require special advertisement)
• Township Officials Input

New Business
1. Joint Municipal Authority & Board of Supervisors Discussion
2. 2021 Budget Development

• Sewer District #2 Fund - (09)
• American Rescue Plan Fund – (38)
• General Fund (01) – Remaining Expense Cost Centers

Good and Welfare


*****NOTE: The Board of Supervisors and Municipal Authority will be going into Executive Session before the meeting to discuss personnel and legal matters.

Agenda items for upcoming Meetings
o In the Net – Dome – Revised Stormwater Plan – Chad Weaver/Randy Wright
o Employee Manual

Upcoming Meeting Dates: Supervisors Meeting – November 9, 2021
Supervisors Workshop – November 24, 2021


South Londonderry Township
Board of Supervisors – Workshop Meeting Minutes
Palmyra, PA
October 27, 2021

Opening Ceremonies and Introduction- The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairwoman Bucks followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following members were present: The following staff members were present:

Faith Bucks – Chairwoman John Eberly – Township Manager
Jack Custer – Vice Chairman William Reigle – Police Chief
William Bova – Member (Excused)
Dot Ague recorded the meeting for her personal use.
Attendees per the sign in sheet: Mark Houser, Pat Krebs, Sarah Rogers, Dot Ague, Jane Popko, Connie Brossman, Kermit Bell, John Brieve, Dale Kreider, and Scott Galbraith.

Public Comment:
Connie Brossman – Commented that the Manager has not returned her recent telephone calls. Chairwoman Bucks requested she email her questions to the Manager.

Special Orders:
Chairwoman Bucks mentioned both the Municipal Authority and Board of Supervisors met in Executive Session prior to the Workshop meeting to discuss personnel/legal matters.

Old Business:

New Business:
The Municipal Authority Board members attended the Joint Board of Supervisors Workshop meeting, but no topics were brought up at this public meeting.
The 2022 Budget Development of the Sewer District #2 Fund (09), American Rescue Plan Fund (38) and review of the General Fund (01) were presented.
A balanced Sewer District #2 Fund was presented to the Board with minimal changes from the 2022 approved budget. Galbraith commented that the Municipal Authority team takes pride keeping the budget as lean as possible, while still maintaining the high standards required for an efficient sewer system.

Eberly presented the newly created American Rescue Plan (38) which incorporates the second receipt of federal funds of $445,681.51 added to the budget with an estimated $330,000 earmarked for the Mt. Gretna above ground sewer line replacement/relocation for 2022.
The remaining portions of the 2022 General Fund (01) budget were reviewed, which included a $60,000 roll-over project for the Lawn Fire Company for a paving project, the transfer of $120,000 for vehicle replacement, and a special allocation of $125,000 for the crosswalk project. No increases in taxes were recommended for 2022.

Good and Welfare-
Chairwoman Bucks announced the Board would go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter after the meeting adjourns.
Connie Brossman inquired about the Township notifications on police incidents and Chief Reigle responded that residents may follow the Police Department on their Facebook page as well as sign up for the Nixle alert system which has been used by the township for numerous years.

Adjournment – There being no more business to discuss, a motion by Custer, second by Bucks to adjourn the meeting at 8: 03PM. Motion carried.
John Eberly, Manager/Secretary

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