Tom Lee Just Said This About PLTR

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𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional. Any stock purchases or trading I show on video should not be considered “investment recommendations” or "Financial Advice". I shall not be held liable for any losses you may incur for investing and trading in the stock market in an attempt to mirror what I do. Unless investments are FDIC insured, they may decline in value and/or disappear entirely. Please be careful!

#pltrstock #pltr #trading
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Second! Your coaching has changed my life Corey and I love your yt videos as well! 😊


I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think PLTR is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated...


Been buying pltr consistently for 3 1/2 years. From $27 down to $6. Dca $12. I wish i didnt see the potential so early on. My cost average would be lower🤣. If you believe in the product then you have to believe all these contracts will be renewd in the future. Basically i look at it as recurring revenue. To me the microsoft decision to partner with pltr is a case of "if you cant beat them join them".. this is a once in a lifetime oppitunity in my opinion. Ive 2.5 x my money when it hit $30. Its at l east a 5 year hold from here for me. I dont worry about the dayto day fluctuations. I just add more shares every week.


There are only a handful of analysts that can put the whole picture together. Most are useless. Tom Lee is one of the best.


It's all about placing fear in the market to get a major sell off. Then the big firms come in and buy up the dip and turn around and sell when their gurus increase the price target on the stock .


I agree with this take on Palantir. I think we could see a slide back to $21-24, but that's not guaranteed. I've been buying this stock weekly since February and will continue to dollar cost average for another year or until I'm comfortable with the size of the holding.


I love bear analysts. If the stock price goes down it just give me more opportunity to add shares at cheaper prices.


The market's volatility makes DIY dangerous. You do not need to identify the next NVDA to be successful in investing. Choose top-tier ETFs, dividend aristocrats, and a trusted advisor. I turned $180k into $200k in quarterly dividends, which is an exciting milestone


Love your content and your videos. Hate the click bait.


The consumer is in pretty good shape? Higher food prices, unemployment is high. Good shape? What am i missing here?


I use a modified DCA and sell options. For PLTR I calculated fair value, looked at the 52 week high, set a baseline to buy every week and started buying. When it falls 10% from the high I increase my DCA. Another 10% fall and I increase again. At fair value I start selling puts (25-30 delta) and buying extra shares with the premiums.

When the price increases I reverse the process until PLTR looks overvalued and I start selling calls (12-16 delta).


He didn’t say this specifically about this stock PLTR


Nice analysis! Already got 4300 shares. The rest i’ll DCA when the price reach the lower part of the Bollinger Band.


Of course, since the market is a bear market, it is defined as a period of decline in the share price of more than six months, when the share price drops to new lows, then the share price will lose 0.33 and it is not advisable to rush to make a decision, because it says to wait 4-5 years for a decision. Because it is


I’m starting not to listen to analysts it just seems like they spread news to get the market to move.Now that I have Pltr and Nvidia I haven’t had to do anything as far as buy at cheap I stuck with it all summer at the prices I wanted and I’m good with both.


I would love it to go down to 8. I went all in with PLTR before the earnings. With the anticipation of a recession looming. I sincerely believe that pltr's q2 earnings benefited the market greatly at exactly the right time. If it goes down to 8, I will donate plasma to buy shares.


Its over, I am stunned and this bombshell leaves me speechless😂😂


Many analysts don't do enough DD and don't even understand Palantir.


How do those analysts square the value or stock price of AI with what they say about PLTR?. It doesn’t make sense to me.


If everyone followed anaylyst's suggestion, only institutions benefit as they can continue to buy low and get a discount. Analyst rating will always be low even if they know futures are good. Its their business model to influence market so it doesnt go off rails.
