Learn C# for beginners: 58 - Arrays of Objects

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This was exactly the help I was looking for! Well explained and to the point. Thank you so much!


This is excellent. Content, length, delivery.


you are an excellent teacher, i am lucky to have found this channel


Exactly what I was looking for... Good explanation. Thank you!


Very interesting topic Sir. I liked your demo. Thank you.


been searching for this specific topic and couldn't find it until i came here, thanks!


Ok i just found this, im a total beginner i have been working with C# for only about 2 weeks and had never seen code before, that being said i wanted to do the following:

- create some type of form for people to enter their name and age within a do while loop.
- then create a new object with the user input being the object's constructor.
- create a boolean value for the age and a condition for later purposes ex:

bool underage = false;
if(age <= 18) {
underage = true;
all this goes in a do while loop that keeps asking user to enter credentials, and when it reaches the end of the loop it will give it an option, "see the list? Y or N? If yes 1 old or 2 young?

If 2 then print underage else print old

I've been working on this for 2 days but when i print all i get is the name of the object itself, something like Object_1 [].cs instead of the actual names


Hi jese when you run the programme, ' bob, bob, & 'test'tes' is being displayed, should it not be 'bob' '5' & 'test' '6'


I have a class and I have an array of that class in the MainClass. I would like to be able to use the array in a method but whenever I try to do so it requires me to create an instance of each member of the array using the ‘new’ e.g. if I would like to print the Name (variable) or a Person (class) in an array of Persons, I would usually write Persons[0].Name. However, before doing this in a method, I need to always write out
Persons[0] = new Person();
And this gets rid of all the values I previously gave the Persons[0] variable.
Do you know a way to make it so that instead of having to negate these values, I can keep the values of the Persons[] array


I did not understand line 24, everything else was clear
