Finding Limits with Basic Limit Laws | Calculus 1 Exercises

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We evaluate limits of combinations of functions using basic limit laws. If we know the limits of a few functions at a single common value, we can evlauate the limits of square roots of these functions, the limits of compositions of these functions, the limit of quotients of these functions, and more. #calculus1 #apcalculus

Basic Limit Laws: (coming soon)
More Limit Laws: (coming soon)

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Thanks to Loke Tan, Raül Beienheimer, Matt Venia, Micheline, Doug Walker, Odd Hultberg, Marc, Shlome Ashkenazi, Barbora Sharrock, Mohamad Nossier, Rolf Waefler, Shadow Master, and James Mead for their generous support on Patreon!

Outro music is mine. You cannot find it anywhere, for now.

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Thanks to @keldonchase4492 for pointing out my inexcusable oversight in problem e in a previous release of this video. It has been corrected in this remastered, lesson of the year edition.
Check out my playlists for more calculus! good luck this year!


Think of it this way, you make so few mistakes that when you do make one it seems like a big deal. In my case I'm vastly more experienced at making mistakes, so when I make one it seems like nothing.
