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Acts 5:1-11
Sapphire’s husband Ananias came up with a plan to lie to Peter about how much they received from selling some of their land. He said they received less for it than what they actually did so they could keep back some of the profits for themselves. The Holy Spirit told Peter what they did so Peter asked Ananias when he came to give the proceeds for it to him how much they received for selling the land but Ananias lied to Peter (and the Holy Spirit) telling him they received an amount less than what they actually sold it for so then Ananias died instantly.

Then 3 hours later Sapphire came in to see Peter not knowing that her husband had died. So Peter asked her how much money they received from the sale of their land. She could have told the truth and lived but instead agreed to submit to her deceitful husband’s lies and said they only received the smaller portion. Peter confronted her for agreeing to lie with her husband to the Holy Spirit. Then she died instantly as well.

So if you are married to a spouse who does not obey the Lord, walk in honesty, integrity, sexual purity, or humility and are leading you farther from Christ then it could have major negative effects on you, your children and even your own salvation. If you submit to your spouses’ demons and lies then you are not submitting to God and the truth. You will be negatively affected as the same demons that affect your spouse will cause you to compromise your walk with Jesus. Choose today whom you will serve….the demons in your ungodly spouse or Jesus.

Tell your spouse that they must pursue Jesus, pursue honesty, integrity, obedience to the Lord, forgiving all who hurt them, repenting for their pride and sin and getting delivered from their demons and changing to walk in the fruit of the spirit. They have a freewill to choose right from wrong. You have a freewill to choose to submit to the Lord or make an idol of your spouse and submit to their demons. If they refuse to get healed and delivered and change then you cannot submit to them and their demons. You must obey the Lord. There are many ungodly spouses who have pretended to be a Christian but are not, wanting you to ultimately make an idol of them and cause you not to submit to God. They have departed from the Lord and ultimately the marriage.

1 Corinthians 7:15 NKJV
“But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace.”

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100%. I was guilty of this, and it almost cost me my life... literally!! Once I chose Jesus over my marriage, everything changed! God is so good. He delivered my children and I from the narc. 💙🙌🏾🙏🏾


I would rather devote my time to my love. Then some Jew on the cross I've never met nor cared about.
