thank you for posting. the video is very informative and this will definitely help me with my unit test
Are mixtures pure substances
Are pure substances mixtures
Smart and awesome teacher say
My science teacher had us watch this video, so if you are seeing this, hi Dr Harris
i liked and subscribed so all you better
Two issues to note: Compounds can be broken down into their constituent parts, though they cannot be separated through physical means, and secondly, molecules are not exclusively gasses, as the example of water clearly shows.
thank you! ill definitely pass my science test now :)
You just helped me alot even more than my teacher now i can pass the test :p
Why did you use water as an example for the homogenous mixture? Isn't water a compound???
If you’re interested in teaching, your doing better than my teacher, although she is bad at her job, nonetheless thanks for posting
Thank you very much for posting this video
Very helpful video!
Can you please make a video on the States Of Matter, if you can please do, Thank you for the amazing video!
it is a helpful video actually.Thank you!
thank you very much Ihave a chemistry exam tomorrow
Using electrolysis you can break down sodium chloride into Na+ and Cl-
1:25 slight phrasing error here (which may become significant for students who pick it up wrongly) -
the elements in a compound CAN be "separated" - but it would require significant amounts of energy and would usually require a chemical reaction.
important to note that "separate" is not a precise chemistry term, so "separating" elements within a compound could sound like "separating" substances within a mixture - but the two "separations" have very different requirements.
you can "separate" substances within a mixture using physical methods, such as filtration, distillation, or crystalisation - these methods only require the manipulation of temperature or concentration. or the use of a physical barrier (filtration sieve). in other words, no chemical reaction needs to occur in separating a mixture.
lastly, colloids are also generally known as suspensions. the main difference is that the suspended particles within a suspension _may settle_ to the bottom of the solution when given enough time; whereas the particles in colloids generally do not settle or take very long to settle.
Thanks for posting the vedio
It was nice with good explaination
Pickles are the main part of sandwiches
Thanks I have a test on Thursday thanks
this is a very helpful thank u soo much
i had to write everything down :/ for my science class