Airtable Interfaces: Buttons Edition | Using buttons in Airtable Interfaces

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Maximize your productivity by unlocking the full potential of Airtable buttons! This video will show how buttons can be customized with Airtable Interfaces. introducing you to their impressive features and how to best use them to streamline your workflows. Check out how you can add buttons, and adapt them to your needs! 👇


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Table of Contents: 📖 👇

00:00 - What this video covers
01:12 - Looking at the data schema and interface
02:42 - Accessing the buttons in the interface
05:05 - Updating a record action
07:02 - Copy Link for the record action
07:50 - Delete Record Action
08:03 - Apply record template action
08:50 - Go to interface page action
09:34 - Go to URL in record action
10:15 - Run an automation action
10:58 - How to Get More Help!


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#Nocode #GarethPronovost #Airtable
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There’s a lot to like about the new interface design, but buttons is one thing that I’m not completely fond of because now we don’t really have any choice about where the buttons live. I keep thinking this is going to change again, I guess because it doesn’t really feel right to me. I really like the new dashboard layout in the way that you can drill into numbers, graphs and pivot tables. I’m finding so many uses for this. I can build a complete app out of the dashboard now.


I have a paid airtable plan but I do not have the update record option. My options are "Go to external url, " "Open record creation form, " and "Go to interface page". Is this feature for particular airtable plans or am I missing something?


Thank you for your wonderful work, I use it a lot.

I built an interface with a button and it works great for me

The problem is, you don't see the button when I'm working with my phone

Do you know such a problem?


Love your videos, they have beena a great help and ---> How to create Airtable fields in bulk.... since importing a .csv does not do it


I Want to Type In Airtable Workspace That Is Not Created By Me Can You Help Me
