The END Of Fortnite Chapter 5..

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Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Storyline Explained!
In this video we've take a look at Fortnite FINAL Live EVENT Trailer!As well as storyline of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 and unravel all the secrets and much more in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Absolute Doom !

🔍 In this video, you will find out:

Final Event of Chapter 5 Season 4
Dr Doom Plan
Pandora's Box
Hope and Jones
Shuri & Iron Man
Final Chapter 5 Season 4 Storyline

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Video Chapters :

00:00 – The End of Jonsey?
00:44 – Doctor Doom Plan
01:53 – Doctor Doom's new Armor
04:54 - Dr Doom summoning Mephisto
07:22 - Fortnite FINAL DOOM EVENT !

tags :
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There’s also possibility that Fortnite just turns us right on the finger to think it’s Jones who’s die, but it can be also Hope, this way we just say goodbye to all characters from chapter 5 and moving on to infinity and beyond


Mephisto is controlling doom, he is the one that created the box, and has been seen in one of mysterios buildings. He is red, face erased with red marker and has horns in his head.


"this is the first time the loopers are going to loose the battle" Anyone remember chapter 3's end event?


Literally for me Jonesy is just a Secondary character not the protagonist its basically the Antagonist, The real protagonist of fortnite is Doom because Jonesy with the imaginary order destroyed all the islands because since the beginning Doom was watching every move, every defect, every failure that Jonesy did with the imaginary order, in this season im in Doom’s team because he is the real protagonist and it will bring Perfection to the island ☺️☺️☺️☺️


The one thing Doom forgot was that The Last Reality has not made a move since the end of Chapter 3 after capturing the remaining members of The seven since The Imagined died at the end of chapter 3 season 2 and Paradigm sacrificed herself to build the chapter 4 map so my theory is that after we go to chapter 2 for the next OG season The Last Reality will reveal themselves and reveal the corrupted Seven members, Unless we help Midas break the loop in the Chapter 5 Finale event and unintentionally ret con 9 seasons of Fortnite history, which spans from ch2s4 to ch3s4


Hear me out on this what if what they do is when he when doom opens a Pandora box again the Pandora box goes into the map and it leads over to the zero point and that’s what takes us back to chapter 2 and we get that whole marvel season over again, but with Galactus and doom on the same teamwith every single marvel person on there


Also I can’t believe you edited this in CapCut it’s so good


I think jones would fake his death
But he will die as a legend


I think if Jones is killed before ch2 OG we will bring back the ch2 Jones to our future or ch5 could take place before ch2 despite being an alternate ch2 meaning the ch2 Jones could be Jones time traveling before he died also there is tons of evidence that Jones may die because the 1st piece of evidence is Jones was shown a lot in the ch5 s4 Absolute Doom trailer almost as a main focus and usually when a character gets a lot of screen time that usually means they will die, Jones is a developed character, and a new loading screen not in the files yet shows Dr. Doom in his Pandora's box armor fighting Hope and Hope is holding the shield of Jones and the shield has scratches on it but in earlier versions of the loading screen the shield was broken and the axe of Jones's Captain variant was in an even older version of the loading screen


She isn’t working with doom. Doom stole her book and telescope. Mafisto (the mcu’s satan) stole dooms mum’s soul. The moth is to try to summon him. It might go well and this could go bad and the demon could actually win.


I think this season's final event will have a tragic ending


So this is how doom turns into a bad guy and then Peter Parker just loses everything he has and he still good


Hope: *she fell to her knees and cries*
*All heroes salute and paid their respects*


Jonsey can't die
The loop will just rewind it


Theory about ch5 s4 part 6-Diamond in the Raft story quests: Jones will start talking to us saying we need to deal with Emma Frost and Hope will say yes Jones she is a hard one to beat especially she becomes diamond and Jones says and apparently she has a feral cat named Meowtooth as her instant and Hope says a feral cat? and Jones will say yes we have to deal with Meowtooth as he is powerful and Hope how do you expect us to do that? and the Oracle will say you have to distract the cat give it toys cats love toys especially yarn balls and Jones will say alright we will give it a yarn ball and after we give it to Meowtooth Jones says great work but Meowtooth needs yarnballs and Hope will say how many more yarnballs? and Jones will say a lot more. and we will give Meowtooth a lot of yarnballs and Hope will say Jones is that enough? and Jones will say yes but now Meowtooth wants to play with us and Hope will say let's play with him. and we play with Meowtooth by fighting and defeating him as he will be an NPC and after fighting and defeating him Jones will say yes we played with him and Meowtooth is now friendly to you and we now infiltrate the Raft and the Oracle will say be careful Emma Frost is dangerous she is very tough and won't put up without a fight. And Jones will say I figured and Hope will say we need to find a database of the Raft and hack it to get Emma Frost's attention as she owns the Raft. We then find the database and hack it and Jones says that should bring Emma Frost's attention now that the database has been hacked we can free all the heroes trapped in the Raft by hacking the jail cells and Hope will say yes Emma Frost's attention has already been brought now we need to do a full scan of the Raft and it's jails find out if heroes are in jail cells that will bring more of Emma Frost's attention and Jones will then say do a full scan of the Raft. and we will do it and Jones will start talking revealing yup there are heroes in jail cells of the Raft alright and Hope will say yes but now Emma Frost knows we did a full scan of the Raft and Jones will say yes that's good now we just need to hack the jail cells to free the heroes in them and then we will have Emma Frost's full attention. Then we will hack the jail cells and Hope will say now we have Emma Frost's full attention. And Jones will then say yes defeat her and she will be naturalized. and we will defeat her and Jones will say great news Emma Frost has been naturalized now the rift beacons can be used let's just hope Doom doesn't know about them and Hope will say yes but then Doom will speak to us Jones and Hope I have heard you 2 have stopped Mysterio's illusion, tamed Meowtooth, and naturalized Emma Frost you 2 are interesting I'm surprised to see that you were that powerful I know your plan about the rift beacons I am smart you won't rift me away for I am unstoppable I have almost taken the victory but I must stop you heroes we will meet and I will win I'm looking forward to our meet up. Gather your army I will gather mine. and then Jones will say uh that message was from Doom and Hope will say it seems like Doom wants to have a fight with us and the Oracle will say Doom knows everything and he wants a fight with you he has absorbed the rest of Pandora's box power and now he is giant with all that power in him he is stronger. and Jones will say Doom may be unstoppable and Hope will say we may be doomed and the Oracle will say Hope it is not over yet you must solve the riddles I gave you do you know what you have everything you need to defeat Doom means? And Hope will say no and the Oracle will say you will know soon my child and do you know what a cunning plan is? And Hope will say yes a plan to defeat Doom and the Oracle will say good job my child and then Jones will say look thank you for everything this fight against Doom may be my last when we are ready to defeat Doom you will be there to us and Hope will say yes really thank you for everything you have done to help defeat Doom we will hopefully defeat Doom. to us and then the Oracle will say you will hopefully defeat Doom. to us


I think Valeria is the mole she could be using her telescope and looking for hope and following her and listing to her conversations


I think hope is the mole. I think hope is telling Valeria their plans and Valeria is telling doom. My reasoning behind this is Hope believe she can trust Valeria, and believes that Valeria can be good.




Dude Valarie probably has leaked the info to doom then I bet Valarie is going going to quit doom and team up with her sister to defeat doom and it is mysterio


Wait if The Incredibles are in the shop does that mean they will join the battle😮
