I finally balance the budget by forcing peasants to do this.... | WRSR 3

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Back by popular demand.... Workers and Resources Soviet Republic! In this episode, we're we're finally going to balance our budget! We'll figure out logistics, build an actual university, and force the our citizens to work the mines for profits! We'll also build a new town, since our workers don't like sprawl, considering they have no cars! By the end, we'll be at an equilibrium with a plan to make tons of money in the next one. Enjoy!











► Lead Editor: @1C2yt
► Assistant Editor: @CityPlannerPlays





#workersandresources #wrsr #sovietrepublic #cityplannerplays



America, F*** Yeah! - 0:00
Wall Street Bets, Eat Your Heart Out! - 1:15
Forcing the Students to walk past the Secret Police - 2:08
Let's stop importing things we produce. Big Brain thinking! - 7:45
Phil's a Noob, wow this doesn't seem efficient - 12:56
Would you look at that... - 20:45
Stephan want to sent the peasants to the mines... - 21:01
Will the peasants take the bus? - 25:20
Well... one does. Everyone else just thinks the bus stop is entertaining - 28:13
Making a small "walkable" mining town - 29:25
Oops, America'd too hard - 31:50
The dumbest solution is the correct one - 36:00
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Making the students walk past the secret police, you're clearly an expert Soviet planner already


In USSR, you don’t balance the budget, the budget balances you.


Hey CPP,
I suggest doing the distribution mission next. It basically simplifies produced goods distribution 10 fold. There is a distribution center you can build and assign vehicles to, as well as pickup and drop off points, and it will automatically distribute goods without the need for lines.


RE: all the people waiting at the bus stop

Citizens will wait at a bus stop if they can't find what they need within walking distance. They could be workers going to a job, students going to school, or "passengers" with various personal needs (or tourists, but you don't have any of those). If you hover over a passenger, you can see what needs they have, like food, culture, alcohol etc.

All the ones you looked at had food at the top of their lists. That could mean there's a problem with the shopping centre, since they should be able to go there for food.


FYI, you don't actually need workers for fields. As long as you have a farm with tractors, harvesters, and trucks, the working and harvesting of the field will be 100% automated. Learning this has saved me loads of headaches with farm and field placement.


I'm not sure if the game explains this or not but if a building doesn't have parking space for trucks or busses (Shown in its stats popup as parking spaces) then it doesn't need a direct road connection and fire and rescue with drive on the footpaths to the building. So all of your residentials buildings can be built with just footpath connections to help save space.

For assigning stops to your trucks the best way to do it is to go into the line management screen, which is on the left task bar, and create a new line. Then from there you can assign individual trucks to that line. And any changes made to the line will automatically apply to everything assigned to it.


The supply line of food to the shopping center is delivering crops instead of processed food to the shopping center


3:58 Oh you innocent one. In Soviet Union, men were conscripted for 2–3 years at age 18.


The distrubution office is much more usefull if you have many stops with trucks because it acts way smarter....like you just click on the factory and the shops and it will get the food automaticlly there if the storage gets empty


I seriously hope the day will come in which City Planner experiences the construction mechanics and realizes he can construct everything, even roads, by himself for free, as long as he has the resources, vehicles and mechanisms. The first time I built my first road blew my mind when I saw how many steps it took and that 4 or 5 different vehicles and mechanisms were involved in constructing something that looks so simple when it's finished. The complexity of the construction mechanisms is just insanely good and slows down the pace aswell, which makes the game weirdly comfy.


All this micro management just to get stuff to the factories and stock the stores... the distribution office is going to change your life :)


I know it's been a couple weeks here, but, some tips.
- bus stops. Uncheck the Passenger and student squares in your main town. This means only workers can wait at the stop, your stops can reach capacity from students and shoppers meaning your worker cannot physically stand and wait at the stop.
- bus lines. Look at the lines tab on your left toolbar. Access a line, use MULTIPLE busses or trucks and use LINE SPACING. This will make it so the line is evenly broken down by number of vehicles (say from town to coal town is 1km, you add four busses, you now cut down the wait for workers to 1/4, each bus is now 250m apart.
- assign citizen locations. Go to the residence flat, very bottom tool bar ASSIGN that flat to go to a bus stop, job, or whatever. You can also assign "other places" next to it, so you can say "50% workers work at the mine, 50% are free to find open jobs (i.e. shops nearby)" or assign multiple workplaces or stations and divy up the %.
- traveling in general. Time dilation in this game is UNHINGED. You NEED NEED NEED to have short wait times. If a worker doesn't get picked up with a couple minutes, he will simply not go to work that day. Which can be why you have "low productivity" even when supply chains are smooth but transport isn't.
- placing residences too close to industry. Im sure you know or could guess, flats shouldn't be close to factories. It makes people upset, decreases health requiring more EMS response and ED visits, causes more unhappiness, and shorter lives and more deaths.
- rotating building. Use Ctrl while rotating to make much much more precise rotation and angles for roads.
- read. Your. Tool tips. F1 twice for grip + snap, f4 near snap on or off. I prefer more natural and flowy towns around hills but for the OCD there ya go.

There's a lot to learn, this game has extremely frustrating mechanics ESPECIALLY with the time dilation (an ambulance going 70kmph on a100m straight road takes SEVEN in game hours to pick up a pt). Otherwise just use the tool tips they offer a lot.
I'd recommend go to the workshop and download the script mod that let's you add milli9ns of dollars at a whim, and play on easy with everything on and bail yourself out with the script till you get everything figured out. I have around 500hrs (was addicted) for reference. Best of luck and enjoy!


Some notes to help:
- production and shop buildings have very limited inside storage, you'll almost always need a warehouse, open storage, aggregate dump, tank, silo etc or the production will stop due to no place to go for new items, or worse a shop can run out of food between truck deliveries. Best to connect warehouse directly with factory connection (road like thing) to a shop/factory (no additional vehicles required if its direct)
- on switching car orders, its probably best to go other way around. Go to the line you want to pull a vehicle from, click on one you want to change lines for (opens that cars window) and right above its schedule there is a "set line to a car" button which can be pointed toward a line on the list of lines screen. (eliminates chase on the map screen)
- routes including customs take a while to complete, its best to separate lines going around internally and to a far away customs. As latter will take majority of the trucks time, leaving little to say move food to a shop.
- Trucks in WRSR can be smart, you don't need to tell them what cargo to pick as they know to avoid import magazines during loading (food truck wont pull crops from food factory, unless forced manually). Similarly no need for double unload order, few goods at a time can be selected. Or better select nothing and leave it for limitations of import magazines to determine what is being dropped (clothes wont go to a pub, because it has no storage for them). In your case a truck can pick food and clothes from factories close by and deliver them to city center stores in one go, without specifying any cargo rules.
- Soon all this cargo business can be automated with distribution offices (DOs), which is why it may be wonky or too micro-intensive. Using direct lines for cargo should be exception in rare cases. DOs are the next mission below clothes and alcohol, could be better to pick than coal exports.
- Passengers are workers during free time (which is 2/3rd of their day) which is why there is so many. Them clogging bus stop is a sign that they cannot fulfill their needs on foot (like sports, culture, alcohol, but also food!) and wait at the stop praying a bus will come to get them somewhere useful. Small bus stop CAN overflow with passengers pushing workers out, so try blocking them when running no passenger line.

Lastly check up on your workers, the happiness is dropping hard, which significantly reduces productivity. And more importantly health is going down which can lead to death or escape. Its likely mostly because of lack of food. (The food production/supply chain needs to be robust). Hospital might be short on doctors as well. And in general you BADLY need more storage and trucks.

Hope you are still enjoying this gem of "not really a city builder but close enough" :).


this intro is definitely one of your more... unhinged ones lol


Counterintuitively, "Passengers" at transit stops refers only to people seeking transport to shopping and leisure locations. You need "Workers" in order to get people to work your building. While the bus stop was packed with passengers, there were only one or two workers waiting (in likelihood, all your workers are going to your nearest open jobs first and since the bus stop is some distance away, you are getting the stragglers - if you want, you can direct an apartment to send its workers exclusively to transit stops and work buildings you specifically want them to go to).

In addition, I second everyone else's comments to focus on the logistics tutorials, as making use of distribution offices will greatly simplify what you were trying to do with trucks (also, I'd advise if the building is linked to a warehouse, prioritise delivering and collecting from there).

Also, only buildings that require deliveries (such as factories and shops), or have parking (such as depots or emergency services) need a direct road connection, other buildings, such as housing and most leisure buildings don't need road connections, as construction and emergency vehicles will be able to use footpaths instead, which you may prefer in terms of squeezing buildings in and aesthetics.


@30:48 One thing it's taken me time to get used to: These are not car/road oriented people. They don't own cars or get cars until you buy them for them. So, if you make a street-oriented town, the streets are for busses to carry people and trucks to deliver stuff. Focus on walkways and mass transit. E.g., a bus stop at your mine, and another one in you village with a road between them, and roads to deliver goods to your stores. (Unless you are doing autobuy -- then your goods magically appear in the stores even if there's no roads) Beautify/aesthetics with walkways in between.


Your logistical lines make my eyes bleed, I love it lol


Building a bridge over the bay to shorten the distance to the frontier would reduce considerably the use of fuel. Expensive but a just once expense.


In this game there is an option where you can build with your own resources and man power instead of paying for it and it builds automatically, u can change it by clicking on the crane in right down corner after that u have option to plan buildings which are white it will help you to plan everything instead of building it and then destroying it, when you plan everything u can start build it after changing back to building by rubles and u can select what u wanna build by pressing right mouse


I miss the raging, out of control fires in this game
