You May Not Want To Drink Your Hot Water After Watching This Video

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My mom used to get real mad at me when I said "hot water heater"... she'd say "if it was hot already you wouldn't have to heat it... it's a water heater"


The odd timing of this I have a brand new house and hot water just started smelling like sulfur. I know what I'm checking now


As a plumber I explained to people how to replace their anode rod all the time. It's very simple to do yourself and it's a lot cheaper than calling me out to do it. I get more business from recommending that instead of just charging people to do something very simple. However, I do want to point out that if you are going to do this yourself get a long breaker bar to fit on the end of your wrench or ratchet. Those things get stuck. As. Hell.


So crazy personal story, when I was around the age of 11, I started showering instead of taking baths, and I developed the bad habit of occasionally rinsing my mouth during showers with the hot water, and occasionally I actually drank some of it.

One evening I started to feel my chest hurting, and it actually mildly hurt to breath. I went to sleep hoping it would go away, and later that night, it became very difficult to breath, and my chest and side hurt. I couldn't get the strength to walk to my parents' room nor could I raise my voice much, I basically crawled down the hallway in the dark, meekly calling out for them. When my mom saw the shape I was in, we went to the hospital. After telling the doctor my symptoms, and them running some tests on my saliva and blood, the doctor told me and my parents I had acquired a very uncommon disease "normally seen in 3rd world countries" (I live in the U.S.) and asked if I had been drinking any unclean water lately, and we figured out the cause really quick after I mentioned drinking hot shower water. I was in the hospital for 4 days, to put it mildly, it was not fun. Eventually I did recover.

The doctor had said what I got was referred to as "The Devil's Grip" in parts of Africa and Asia.

So I definitely appreciate this channel raising awareness with visuals about why it's important for people NOT to drink hot water from their water heaters.


My husband works with residential water conditioning. The stories I've heard from his and his co-workers about the state of heaters, softeners, filters, etc is terrifying.


This video increased my respect for you as a human.. you seem like you do great things to make this world better


Your killing me with the “hot” water heater bit.😂
That part about the anode going bad and creating a sulfur smell is extremely helpful with my current situation. Thank you


Thank you!
My mom told me growing up to not drink hot tap water. And it stuck with me, but she didn't fully remember what the issue was when she told me that (I think she was told why a long time ago), and now I know. I can't wait to tell her she was right 😊


I think it'd awesome if Mr. Butler did a video or series on important care/maintenance for homeowners, because they didnt teach us jack shit about home ownership in high school.

If I got a house, I'd have no clue where to even start


dude, your a good teacher, I wish I had a boss like you


Lived in my house for 5 years and never knew this information. Thanks I'm sure you saved me a water heater replacement!!


In fairness, not everyone has that much iron in their water. Still don't drink hot water though. New rods can also throw off a smell sometimes.


Thank you for that education. I have been told by the handy-men in my family to change that rod, and while I understood the science of it, I did not see the visualization of why. I have now been educated. Thank you


Proof is very evident. Thanks for your PSA!!


I'm 32. I did not know water heaters need to be flushed! See, now I am glad my living work truck thing has a thankless propane water heater.


Thank you for posting this, I have a well and replaced my hot water tank a few months back and the previous one looked like the one in the video, but worse. I will be regularly checking the anode rod and washing out the tank once a year.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience for free.


"annoyed" rod 😂 can't tell if you're fishing for comments by saying anode all derpy like that


I learn so much from watching your videos. Not just about maintenance of my home, but about life as well. Thank you.


You put a lot of educational content out there bud. 100% deserve my sub.


That's why I much prefer the type that heats the water as it comes through the pipe.
Not only does it save energy, but it's much easier to replace and also a lot more obvious if something is wrong.
