SELENIUM : Which method is used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium?
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SELENIUM : Which method is used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium?
SDET Automation Testing Interview Questions & Answers
We will be covering a wide range of topics including QA manual testing, automation testing, Selenium, Java, Jenkins, Cucumber, Maven, and various testing frameworks.
SELENIUM : Which method is used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium?
A) clear()
B) setText("")
C) deleteText()
D) removeText()
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Answer: A) clear()
In Selenium, clear() is used to clear the text from an input field, such as a text box or a password field.
This method simulates pressing the backspace key repeatedly until all the text in the field is deleted. setText("") is not a valid method in Selenium, although sendKeys("") can be used to clear the text from an input field. deleteText() and removeText() are not valid methods in Selenium.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer as it accurately describes the method used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium.
Option B, C, and D are incorrect as they describe invalid or irrelevant methods.
SDET Automation Testing Interview Questions & Answers
We will be covering a wide range of topics including QA manual testing, automation testing, Selenium, Java, Jenkins, Cucumber, Maven, and various testing frameworks.
SELENIUM : Which method is used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium?
A) clear()
B) setText("")
C) deleteText()
D) removeText()
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Answer: A) clear()
In Selenium, clear() is used to clear the text from an input field, such as a text box or a password field.
This method simulates pressing the backspace key repeatedly until all the text in the field is deleted. setText("") is not a valid method in Selenium, although sendKeys("") can be used to clear the text from an input field. deleteText() and removeText() are not valid methods in Selenium.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer as it accurately describes the method used to clear the text from an input field in Selenium.
Option B, C, and D are incorrect as they describe invalid or irrelevant methods.
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