Bach cello suites no.1 Prelude

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Bach suite no. 1 prélude

By Jacob Shin

Dear students, parents, teachers and Auburn residents,

I am writing this essay and playing Bach Suite no. 1 Prélude to encourage you to not be stressed about the victims of the coronavirus, for even though it is very serious, we still have each other, which is a very good thing. Even though the damage will be very severe, it will eventually end. Also, if you have a close friend or family member who has the coronavirus your grief is our grief.

Now, I will inform you why I am playing Bach suite no. 1 Prélude. In Bach suite no.1 Prélude, the beginning was very carefree and had a lack of troubles. Suddenly, the music became very restless. The coronavirus has a same story. Before the coronavirus, there was no worldwide trouble. Suddenly, like a lightning bolt during a cloudless day, disaster struck. However, at the ending of Bach Suite no. 1 Prélude, the music becomes peaceful after all that suffering. That is why I hope that the virus would end the same way.

I hope you enjoy my music and start to hope again. This concludes my essay.


Jacob! This is amazing! For every second you played, I thought of nothing more than than the peace your music will bring to everyone who listens. A moment to be still and enjoy the beautiful parts of life. Thank you!!!


What an amazing musician and young man. Thank you for reaching out to us through your music!
