Java Swing Project-Part 14 | How to set Uneditable using Method in Java Swing | A.y. Siam | NetBeans

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This is the 14th video of the tutorial playlist.
For the previous video on this tutorial, How to Use JDateChooser and Change Date Format in Java Swing follow the link:
And for the whole playlist to learn Swing:
In this video I'll show you how to set a JDateChooser as uneditable so that the user can't edit the input section rather than manually input the value. The other components like TextField, textArea, PasswordField are editable by default and you can change it from properties dialog box. But JDateChooser doesn’t support this from the properties box. We'll fix that using this method. And in the following videos I'll show you the next steps to create and implement the features to make a simple and awesome project.
This is the basic video tutorial. After completing the basics I'll try to make a tutorial on some basic projects where you can learn how to create a project from scratch in Java. This is a specialized tutorial playlist where you can learn very essential features implementation using Java Swing. If you face any problem implementing such things, comment below. I'll try to solve the problem.
I'll not share any source code in description because you have to learn it and write the code yourself. The best way to learn is practicing anything you want to learn.
Why Learning Swing is Important:
Java Swing is important because you'll easily implement it. And most of the cases CS students are to implement a project to learn Database Management System or I'll say Structured Query Language- SQL. And it's hard to learn 2 or more new things at the same time. That's why even though Swing is not used widely nowadays, many of the institutions refer to learning Java Swing for the projects. That's why I'm saying it's important to learn GUI in Java, especially Java Swing. You'll see there's a lot of work to implement the features and you'll learn the core things of the OOP- Object Oriented Programming. There's a lot of implementation of the function calling (method in Java) and Constructors which are very important in OOP. And there will be a lot more things to do. So, let's dive into learning....
0:00 Intro
0:12 Set Uneditable
All the best for your journey.
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I learned the whole thing from Youtube. So, thanks to Youtube also.
#JCalendar #Java #Swing #JDateChooser #ChangeDateFormat #SetUneditable