I really wish I was actually enrolled in your class, you make diff equations so understandable, thank youuuu
Thank you for posting these lectures for us, what a privilege!
This guy is amped about teaching DE that it amps me up learning about it! Great video!!! much better than my current DE professor! Thank you! And holly crap! I just found your DE playlist!!! I might just learn something this semester! lol
Hey, you don't even need a duster as you use your hands.
You are a nice teacher.
Hey professor, does this playlist cover an entire differential equations course? I’m curious because: I assume version 1 & 2 are the same lecture pulled from different classes periods (?) meaning, the entire differential equations course is less than 26 lectures — factoring in the duplicates? Is that right? I’m really enjoying the course so far - you’re a great teacher! Thank you for being passionate about math.
Thanks, this'll help me for my diffeq class
Personally, it makes me a bit sad that you didn't show the proof. I really enjoy proofs (although most students don't), as replicating / understanding the proof gives me more motivation of even a better idea of how to actually tackle the problems. More specifically, though, if you don't prove an unintuitive result myself, then I have a hard time using it, as I feel like I "don't deserve" using it.
For example, at 15:20, I would also be going "WHY?" if I didn't know the proof for this XD
This is so true and can understand what you mean and will like to be a part but I wish to learn more
Please my mentor I have questions for you 🙏. How do I send it to you? It’s in a picture form (I used my phone to take a picture of it)
30:28 why don’t we add C to the integrating factor?
Thanks a lot for this professor, it helped a lot. I appreciate it
if i wanna contact u ? for my quiries thn what would i have to do sir??