java interface changes in java9 | default method | static method | private method in interface

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java interface changes in java9 | default method | static method | private method in interface #javanextlevel
From Java 8, interfaces are enhanced to have a method with implementation. We can use default and static keyword to create interfaces with method implementation.
default Method
Methods which are defined inside the interface and tagged with default keyword are known as default methods. These methods are non-abstract methods and can have method body.
static method
Static methods are used to define utility methods.
private method
Since Java 9, interfaces are allowed to have private methods, purpose of private method is to split the implementation of default methods.
private static method
Since Java 9, interface can have private static methods.
From Java 8, interfaces are enhanced to have a method with implementation. We can use default and static keyword to create interfaces with method implementation.
default Method
Methods which are defined inside the interface and tagged with default keyword are known as default methods. These methods are non-abstract methods and can have method body.
static method
Static methods are used to define utility methods.
private method
Since Java 9, interfaces are allowed to have private methods, purpose of private method is to split the implementation of default methods.
private static method
Since Java 9, interface can have private static methods.