🔴 Global Exception handling in Spring Boot | Exception Handler | RestControllerAdvice #springboot 🔥🔥

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#springboottutorial #exceptionhandling #springdatajpa

How do you handle exceptions globally in Spring Boot?
What is global exception handling?
What is the annotation to handle the exceptions globally?
What is the use of @ExceptionHandler in Spring Boot?
How to use @ControllerAdvice for exception handling?
What is the difference between ExceptionHandler and ControllerAdvice?
What is the purpose of the @ExceptionHandler annotation?

Hello All,

In this video we will see how we can handle the exception globally in the SpringBoot Project. We have covered below three main annotations related to exception handling in this video.


Before this video please watch below videos.

SpringBoot REST API CRUD Operations using Spring Data JPA | Postman | MySql :

What is ResponseEntity in Spring Boot ?

Note: In this project I have not created service layer but if you want you can create service layer.

Thank you for watching the video. If you find it usefull then please share with your freiends and don't forget to subcribe the channel !

00:00:00 Introduction of all API
00:09:18 How to throw RuntimeException
00:12:20 Create Handler method to handle Runtime Exception
00:15:12 Create Custome exception IDNotFoundException
00:18:31 Mandatory Field Missing Exception for Post request
00:26:26 Handler method for Manadatory Field Missing Exception
00:27:12 Set ResponseStatus using @ResponseStatus annotation and ResponseEntity
00:29:13 What is @RestControllerAdvice annotation and how to use this
00:32:32 Thank you !

#javaprogramming #spring #springdatajpa #springboottutorial
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clearly i will understand your explanation thank you very much..!!


Your video is very informative mam thanku so much❤ I have done this exception handling in spring boot thanku thanku a lot


Hi mam this is the first session i watched your videos by next min i subscribed your channel thanks for ur video


Hi, Can you please share the link for source code?
