Wolseley 1500

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You've omitted to tell us the most wonderful aspect of this beautiful There's not a bloody computer anywhere in sight


My grandfather had one of these in grey with a red leather interior, this brought back so many memories the smell of the interior will stay with me forever!


1969, I was 12 and sitting in the back with my grandmother in my Uncle and aunts Wolseley 1500, in a lovely maroon colour.
As we drove round a sharpish roundabout my grans rear door flew open, she went to fall out but in my panick I grabbed her to pull her in. But I grabbed her by her ample bossom as she let out a shrill. She joked later about if it was more painful being grabbed or falling out of the car.
I was mortified 😅 these little Wolseley 1500 always remind me of that day.
