Idol Killer's Undercutting Defeater of Total Depravity

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Review of @IdolKiller 's opening statement, critical point number 2, which is that Total Depravity is illogical because it states that the natural man cannot receive the things of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned. #bible #debate #theology

The claim is that if Total Depravity is true, and all of mankind is born with a sinful nature, that would entail that Christ is born with a sinful nature. This is not the case, because Christ is the second Adam. Being born of a virgin, Jesus Christ has no father other than God, and has nothing to do with Adam's sin, through which Romans chapter 5 claims that sin, death, and judgment resulting in condemnation came to all men. Jerimiah says that the heart is wicked and deceitful above all things, and if you do not believe that, then your heart has deceived you into thinking it is good.

It could not have been said of Christ that his heart was wicked and deceitful. Jesus says that the flesh profits nothing, but this could not be true of the flesh of Jesus or else the sacrifice of his flesh would not profit salvation. This is not just reformed theology or Calvinism, it's what the Bible objectively teaches.

The debate can be found here:

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Total Depravity (Part 1): What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul

Total Depravity (Part 2): What is Reformed Theology? with R.C. Sproul

Steven Lawson: Total Depravity

Is Total Depravity True? (Part 2)

Calvinism Sermon: Total Depravity (Part 2 in series)

Editing of this vid is stunning. So smooth Rogue.


Got us a Mr. Worldly Wiseman here with Idol killer 😂


He denies original sin and therefore does not understand man’s depravity, which actually nullifies the cross of Christ and redemption of one’s sins.


It's like he's doesn't understand that being born again actually does something to us. It's not just a cool catch phrase. It's rebirth. From spiritual death, to spiritual life. The born again person can understand the things of Because thay have been born again. This part of his intro made me want to shut the whole debate off. He is knowingly saying dumb things. Just like baal gate.


Idol Killer thinks he's being wise, but he actually sounds foolish (kinda sounds like 1 Corinthians 1:18-25). Warren presupposes that sinners can understand spiritual things when 1 Corinthians 2:14 and Romans 3:11 definitively says they can't. He reads these verses, hates what they say, and then tries to argue philosophically against it with his faulty, man-centered presupposition. He constantly violates Proverbs 3:5 and Colossians 2:8 no matter how confidently he speaks. And really, has this man ever given the Gospel to atheists and skeptics who use Bible verses to actually "refute" our faith? I deal with it all the time. They quote verses to try to "prove" God is wicked, that our Bible has contradictions, and that are scriptures are fairy tales. If the sinner had spiritual understanding in his own sin nature (which has a hostile mind against God according to Romans 8:7), then the Bible wouldn't have all the verses it has saying they couldn't. Sadly, Warren demonstrates the truth of 1 Corinthians 2:14 to think there's no original sin, that God learns from man, and that God doesn't know the future. That's not a Christian, that's a cultist or a heretic or both.


Its funny seeing him lean so hard into Bahnsen-like (straight from his debate with Stein) Presuppositional catch phrases after Leighton's debate with White trying to twist it into nonsense. But I'd love to see how he claims he can do all the things he says Calvinists can't. That's the other side of it after all. You have to offer an alternative.

For the Calvinist, sure, we are born sinful. Our nature is that of Adam, our mind twists all good things to serve self and deny God. God is mighty to save and to give ears to hear and eyes to see, so his disconnect there is nonsense, but who cares about Calvinism. What is he offering? He doesn't need God to open his eyes and ears, he hears all just fine, he doesn't need God to save him, sin hasn't tainted him. He is his own god, so what does he need God for? What does he need to be saved from? Sin doesn't bother him all that much. What is God to a being such as him?


Ya, it's how/why you can have Mormons and Catholics who say I believe in Jesus and have a completely different mind about Biblical Jesus.


Enjoying my second watch-through. I love it. 3:20-3:48 was SO good. The unspoken like button was actually perfect right there. I loved the way that pointing hand helped transition the point to show the foolishness. I'm really thankful for what God's doing here, helping your mind and hands skilfully expose deception and clearly communicate the truth. I also enjoyed that the background was like old grainy artifacts on footage. Again at 4:10-4:17 that was a really smooth transition to zoom out to start playing the video right as you said your piece. I liked that point, too, because the slogans and "right words" don't always have the right meanings behind them. That's how the mormons evangelize these days, saying "trust in Jesus, " but they mean something entirely different. Also I loved that you showed a pan to 1 Corinthians as a subtle visual nod at 4:27, backing up the reference at 2:47. And yes, at 5:10-5:11, that voice line is so simple and gently-said but the visual helps at the same time because the voice and text emphasize it; My eyes and ears grasp the same message and it's harmonious and smooth. Also, poking around I see a lot of other comments really enjoyed this style. Again: You're doing awesome and I'm continuing to root for you doing the good work God prepared in advance for you to do. I'll be praying 👍


Great work bro! Love the editing as well!


Once again, in this vid, Warren fails to comprehend any understanding of SIN.
This is a major, let me repeat, a major failing on his part. He is so busy trying to explain spiritual truths from a WORLDLY perspective, he falls short to understand what is a spiritual truth.
As you say, a carnal mind cannot understand a spiritual truth. They may think they do, but they do not.

Warren does not seem to understand regeneration. At least that is what I observe from what he says in this vid.

The following are his words in this vid. ( quote ) " So now he will appeal to his experience of ( SUPPOSEDLY BEING REGENERATED ) never mind the fact that regeneration itself is a spiritual truth " ( unquote )

The whole point of regeneration, is it is ALWAYS a work of the Holy Spirit in REVEALING Jesus Christ.
That is what regeneration is. The new birth. Being born-again by the Holy Spirit. It is a spiritual awakening.

Regeneration IS NOT something that comes from within a man.

Notice Warren's words SUPPOSEDLY BEING REGENERATED. Is he saying that regeneration is not a spiritual revelation from the Holy Spirit?

I will leave it for you to decide. The worldly man cannot understand spiritual truths. A worldly man MUST be regenerated by the Holy Spirit to understand spiritual truths.

I hope Warren understands this.

Soli Deo Gloria.


Cool video to watch upon waking up before gym before work haha XD really love these well put together videos


For man to understand the Creator and Judge requires revelation of God to the man hence His Presence in the Holy Spirit which makes the man “born again” or in the case of the born again “the things of God” in the man’s repentant attitude and acknowledgement of the Lord God through and in the name of Jesus Christ who is the Life that is to be received or received in the Spirit. Without God’s revelation there is no acknowledgement of God to God in the Presence of God.


He believes knowledge saves you similar to JWs


Warren is arguing against plainly-worded Scripture here. In 1st Corinthians 1:18, it says that _"the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing."_ The _"word of the cross"_ here clearly refers to Jesus Christ's work on the cross, being pierced for our iniquities. One who is perishing is clearly one who does not believe the _"word of the cross", _ given in contrast in the same verse to we who are being saved. What is the difference between one who is perishing and one who is being saved? Faith! Faith in the _"word of the cross"_ is what differentiates those who are perishing from those who are being saved. To go from seeing the _"word of the cross"_ as foolishness to seeing it as the power of God, clearly something must change. What would that be? The difference is God. In 1st Corinthians 3, which wraps up this section that started in chapter 1, we see that though one plants and one waters (those who share the gospel), it is God who gives the growth. If anyone believes in the _"word of the cross", _ it is only because God gave the growth, that God is the one who brought it about.


So with your interpretation of 1 Corinthians 2
if you say something, and anyone else thinks it’s foolish, then it must be spiritual truth. So basically, what you’re saying is that there is no way to convince you that you could ever be wrong about anything, because with this principle, we can’t use reason or logic to convince you otherwise, and therefore any position you hold is unfalsifiable.


Kinda arrogant to basically say, "I know what the scriptures say about mans spiritual condition, but that doesn't apply to me."
Hes sooo smug and self-righteous.
The 1rst Idol that Warren needs to delete is the one he sees in the mirror. For truly that person is his god!


Brother you just murdered that idol kisser 🤣


Rogue - I'm curious, do you believe someone must be a Calvinist in order to be truly regenerated? Or are there non Calvinist out there today that you think will join you in Heaven?


People reason and discern all day. You just cannot reason and discern your way to Heaven. Sorry, but you need grace…saving grace.


I read everything that comes through here as long as it's of a reasonable length. You guys aren't going to sit here and bicker under me, I'm not your daddy - I'm not going to sit here and listen to it.

Feel free to discuss any of these topics but take the ham outside
