Паша типо такой: "ЭЩКЕРЕ" 😎🤟 cmfrtk
Паша типо такой: "ЭЩКЕРЕ" 😎🤟
He didn’t break the sound barrier 💀💀💀💀 Ayub-hw
He didn’t break the sound barrier 💀💀💀💀
0.1$: Fake burger, just candy 1$: Burger that my mom makes 10$: Little Fast Food restaurants 100$: Street food DrakondanEmpire
0.1$: Fake burger, just candy 1$: Burger that my mom makes 10$: Little Fast Food restaurants 100$: Street food
"Левел ван🤨" "левел ту😐" "левел три😀" "левел фор💀" WORTEX.
"Левел ван🤨" "левел ту😐" "левел три😀" "левел фор💀"
"Hell yeah, satanaaa🤟🤟🤟-" 💀💀💀 FootbanasRealMaker
"Hell yeah, satanaaa🤟🤟🤟-" 💀💀💀
10$-9/10. 100$-5/10 Got me ☠️ ABCdeABRIC
10$-9/10. 100$-5/10 Got me ☠️
10 dollar burger: 9/10 100 dollar burger: 5/10 You look very crazy... abyssal_gd
10 dollar burger: 9/10 100 dollar burger: 5/10 You look very crazy...
"Level 1😄" "Level 2😐" "Level 3👹😙" "Hell yeahhh SATANAAA👹👹👹👹" "Music in the end 🤟🤟🤟" Killed me💀💀 Edit: thanks for 44 likes❤️... ヴァリヤ
"Level 1😄" "Level 2😐" "Level 3👹😙" "Hell yeahhh SATANAAA👹👹👹👹" "Music in the end 🤟🤟🤟" Killed me💀💀 Edit: thanks for 44 likes❤️...
Sushi monster old💀 Sushi monster new🥰 Angelito
Sushi monster old💀 Sushi monster new🥰
"hell yea, zetana🤘🏼" -sushimonster dxscent
"hell yea, zetana🤘🏼" -sushimonster
Этот комментарий была пасхалкой вы его тепер не узнаете Tomiblund
Этот комментарий была пасхалкой вы его тепер не узнаете
Bro really ate a course meal at the end 💀💀💀💀💀💀 erikkdaniela
Bro really ate a course meal at the end 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Him after eating this large burger: I'm caseoh! FedericoForoniShorts
Him after eating this large burger: I'm caseoh!
the end hell yeah santanaaaa got me 💀 kenreybongabogng
the end hell yeah santanaaaa got me 💀
"Лвл оне" "Лвл тво" "Лвл сри" "Хлэ хэх сатана!" "ТУТУТУТАРКНУВЛ" shazardmeister
"Лвл оне" "Лвл тво" "Лвл сри" "Хлэ хэх сатана!" "ТУТУТУТАРКНУВЛ"
The burger on 0.1$ : aww its very cute 😊😊 The burger on 100$ : bro thats so big burger ☠️☠️☠️☠️ DavidFranco-yccz
The burger on 0.1$ : aww its very cute 😊😊 The burger on 100$ : bro thats so big burger ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Bro reviewed CaseOh's light burger snack at the end DVLCkS
Bro reviewed CaseOh's light burger snack at the end
Bro rated the last one 5/10 after he enjoyed it Its_yaqn-ツ
Bro rated the last one 5/10 after he enjoyed it
That is the biggest burger you are going to get diabetes 😂 sheriwilcuntapay
That is the biggest burger you are going to get diabetes 😂
"the first bite tastes like heaven, and then the second one takes you there. " sebee
"the first bite tastes like heaven, and then the second one takes you there. "