Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.

Hamas Brutalizes to Hold Onto Power (00:00)
An Honest Look at Hamas’s Use of Hostages
- How Hamas Uses Brutality to Maintain Power by The New York Times (Julian E. BarnesAdam RasgonAdam Goldman and Ronen Bergman)

There’s Good Reason to Get Rid of the Department of Education (11:48)
Former President Trump Repeats Conservative Talking Point, But He Needs to Clarity His Policy

The Left Loves the Department of Education (16:20)
The Leviathan of the Administrative State and the Dangers of the Department of Education
- Trump Wants to Shut Down the Department of Education? Is That Possible? By The New York Times (Dana Goldstein)

Space X’s Successful Mission (22:12)
A Big Step in Space Exploration — And More Evidence of God’s Glory From Space

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Regarding the Ed Dept, the sad reality is Christian families are aiding and abetting in the crime. Approximately 2.2 Mil kids from Christian homes go to either Christian schools (~600K) or are homeschooled (~1.6Mil). However, approximately 22Mil kids attend Sunday School each week. Meaning, about 90% of Christian kids are sent off to public school. What a tragedy and those parents in the 90% group need to begin correcting these statistics by repentance while removing their kids from public school.


Praying for and standing with Israel from Louisiana


If the aliens are bugs and people and you are just people, won't they be more primitive than you?

They say it is egotistical to think humans are alone in the universe. Wouldn't it be more egotistical to think that you should be everywhere?


And we are to turn a blind eye to the Palestinians that being brutally murdered by Israeli forces. This kind of hypocrisy brings disrepute to our faith.


Very bad analysis in my view...

HAMAS is something like CIA, KGB, or NATO, or so in many ways, HUTIS... even we want to call them terrorists.

NATO should be call terrorists if we would be in like Bagdag 20 years ago, or at Dombas for the las 15 years, or Belgrade in the 90's.

What I mean is, it will depend in the side you are at a time.
