After 1177 BC and the Bronze Age Collapse ~ With Dr Eric Cline

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In this video we come to After 1177 BC, this will be the sequel to 1177 BC which focused on the collapse of the Late Bronze Age due to a combination of events and factors that created a perfect storm for collapse and transformation. In this we discuss what happened after the collapse as the world was transformed into the Iron Age.

What inspired him to write this second book? What can we expect to learn from his latest book? What peoples will be discussed? What myths will be debunked? What new discoveries will we explore? And much more will be covered in this video! Also, what do you want to read about in After 1177 BC? Give Dr. Cline your feed back!

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Dr. Cline on the Modern Scholar:

History of Ancient Greece

Archaeology and the Iliad: The Trojan War in Homer and History

The History of Ancient Israel: From the Patriarchs Through the Romans

Image credits: Manna Nader, Gabana Studios Cairo

Hittite 3D City and intro footage credits: 3D reconstruction of Imperial Hittite Karkemish by Giampaolo Luglio, Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish directed by Nicolò Marchetti (University of Boologna)

KARKEMISH (Carchemish) 1300 BC (3D) -The Southern Capital of the Empire Hittite


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I like the idea of showing what happened in different places at the same time.


Yay!!!! Dr. Cline again. I gotta get his books. This is fascinating.


I really like the idea of a chronological order for the new book, it will help keep the information in mind, and also it'll make for a good reference book going forwards. 👍


This is so exciting! I love learning about this era of history but many of the books that I've found so far have been incredibly expensive, out of date, or both. Personally, I'm very interested in Cyprus so I'm glad to hear that it will make an appearance!


A chronological approach with an emphasis on what particular issues each region was facing in a given century would be interesting to me.


Great guest, and looking forward to Dr. Cline"s book. I might have to check out his audio book too.


Writing this era in a chronological order, region by region, is very important when dealing with a 400 year time span. Imagine writing a history of Europe 1600-2000 without doing it in chronological order, region by region..


Looking forward the the publication.
One of the questions I have about the Late Bronze Age, including the decline and apparent fall of the Minoans, is the effect these civilizations had on the landscapes, especially what must have been a nearly insatiable demand for ship and structure building timber.
The "Greek Dark Age" lasted about the length of time it takes to grow forests of large trees.


Dr. Cline, while my own field is not archeology, it can encompass, the entirety of human experience and history.
I am a theater professional of over forty years experience and have taught at the undergraduate and post graduate level.
My approach during the undergraduate introductory address usually followed this tome. “ I have often been asked, ” What do I need to Know to be an actor”? My only proper response is, everything in the world, as you may never know what you may be asked to portray.” While primarily taught the technical aspects of theater, I also integrated in what I call technical acting. That is that within every text, there is a psychological history concerning the six questions that need to be answered for proper comprehension. The Who, Where What, When, Why and How..
This approach allowed me to help students in a full understanding not only of theater, which is the active reflection of a society, but in how societies as a whole interact to create history. When resources are integrated, the psychological implications that create specific actions become more understandable, wether it be two thousand years ago or today.


I can't wait! I'd love to hear more about what happened to the sea peoples after the collapse of the Bronze Age. Hopefully there will be room among the numerous "neo" restorations to cover.

Authors commenting on the origin of the sea peoples often say tantalizing things like, "Maybe this is a reference to Sardinia, but even so we don't know if they're called this because they came from Sardinia or that's where they went afterward." It always makes me wonder at what details in the history cause them to add that. Was something going on in Sardinia after 1177?

Sardinia itself seems like such an interesting case. What must it have been like to sit on the sidelines and watch as their early farmer culture that had expanded for 4, 000 years on the continent was replaced by a new culture from the east, including peoples who went on to form major powers of the bronze age (Hittites, Greeks, Minoans?)

I wonder what the bronze age meant to the people of Sardinia. If Sardinia was part of the sea peoples, did they see many of the era like a wave of gentrifiers throwing up Starbucks on every corner to make a buck?

Did waves of sea peoples immigrants from Sardinia see their adventures as striking a blow for the old Neolithic? :)

Anyway, I'm excited to read more about after 1177. My vote would be, more about the Philistines and what's up, Sardinia. I know the written record makes it easier to talk about people with empires than people without them, but I am drawn to these stories about the less visible.

Thanks for doing this interview!


I’m in for two more Doc. “After after”... is fine. I’ll buy it even if you call it “3”. It’s the author and content that counts.


Looking forward to a new book. Looking forward to learn more about Phoenicians.


I really enjoy this series by Dr Cline. Thanks


Yes, showing the interconnection would be just great and the best way, my humble opinion. Just love him


I look forward to reading "After 1177." I agree that a chronological format would be good to show the interconnections. Hopefully our civilization won't collapse before the book gets published.


My vote is for going back and forth between different groups as time goes on.


A set of parallel timelines showing at a glance what was happening globally across the spectrum, in chronological order, simply identifying events by one or two sentences and referring the text where you explain in depth... in tandem with the specific geographic locales where you talk about a specific people from beginning to end, perhaps with parenthetical notes to refer to an important event elsewhere ... chapters on each "empire" through time, in parallel vertically in chronological order, ... together with a simplified horizontal timeline showing briefly what's happening around the world, decade by decade, in the best detail you have, but only giving a page number for more clarification spelled out in the text.

I'm rambling, but I think you've got the idea. For example, I'd like to read about Egypt, but with notes saying something important happened in Assyria here, and later, another about Greece... but now back to the story of Egypt until... And with all the "notes" laid out in a long timeline tying them all together.

Do you think that would work?


Great idea! Please get it out to us asap, feels like having to waiting for a epic movie to get produced ...


Can’t wait! Just finished the first one after months on my bookshelf. So glad that he’s doing a sequel. Another resource to use for my own book on the rise and fall of civilizations!
