Linear Search in C | In Hindi
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Search a Number in an Array in C | In Hindi | Tutorial 92
In this video I have explained a program using function that how to find a number in an array. We have to accept an array and then ask for a number to search and then you have to check whether that number is present in the array or not.
This program is also called Liner Search or sequential search.
Tags Used:
find missing number in an array
efficient technique to find missing number in an array
how to find missing array element
linear search algorithm
searching algorithms
what is linear search
linear search and binary search
linear search in c
linear search
linear programming in c language
linear search in c
sequential search algorithm
sequential search
sequential or linear search
algorithm of sequential search
linear search program
Linear Search in C - In Hindi
In this video I have explained a program using function that how to find a number in an array. We have to accept an array and then ask for a number to search and then you have to check whether that number is present in the array or not.
This program is also called Liner Search or sequential search.
Tags Used:
find missing number in an array
efficient technique to find missing number in an array
how to find missing array element
linear search algorithm
searching algorithms
what is linear search
linear search and binary search
linear search in c
linear search
linear programming in c language
linear search in c
sequential search algorithm
sequential search
sequential or linear search
algorithm of sequential search
linear search program
Linear Search in C - In Hindi