The Seven Rays.
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The Masters of Wisdom Speak. AUDIOBOOK, 07.
"Even as the physical Sun releases certain properties which excite the growth and development of particular flowers in successive seasons, and the vibrations within the pattern of those flowers respond only to that stimulus, so do the successive outpourings of the Seven Rays, from the Cosmic Wheel, consecutively develop a group of angelic, human and elemental beings, who flower and attain God-maturity in the age which is their natural time for “blossoming.” Others who are “marked” for a later unfoldment, seem to be untouched by the very vital forces which energize and attune the inner selves of the children who are a natural part of the particular Ray which is active in a cycle of time.
Teachers and leaders who are inspired by the stimulation of the Ray active during the time of their incarnation, usually find response only from those lifestreams who are naturally destined to unfold in such a cycle, while the others remain among the indifferent masses until “their hour comes” - just as the bulb of a flower is dormant until the season for its development calls it forth to active expression. It is only unascended beings who are impatient because all men do not respond to the same vibrations, which is as foolish an attitude as that of a gardener or a farmer who would insist that all his crops mature on the same day, in the same month, in the same season".
Ascended Master PAUL the VENETIAN, THIRD RAY.
The Masters of Wisdom Speak on The Seven Rays. "The Bridge to Freedom Journal". December 1952.
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"Even as the physical Sun releases certain properties which excite the growth and development of particular flowers in successive seasons, and the vibrations within the pattern of those flowers respond only to that stimulus, so do the successive outpourings of the Seven Rays, from the Cosmic Wheel, consecutively develop a group of angelic, human and elemental beings, who flower and attain God-maturity in the age which is their natural time for “blossoming.” Others who are “marked” for a later unfoldment, seem to be untouched by the very vital forces which energize and attune the inner selves of the children who are a natural part of the particular Ray which is active in a cycle of time.
Teachers and leaders who are inspired by the stimulation of the Ray active during the time of their incarnation, usually find response only from those lifestreams who are naturally destined to unfold in such a cycle, while the others remain among the indifferent masses until “their hour comes” - just as the bulb of a flower is dormant until the season for its development calls it forth to active expression. It is only unascended beings who are impatient because all men do not respond to the same vibrations, which is as foolish an attitude as that of a gardener or a farmer who would insist that all his crops mature on the same day, in the same month, in the same season".
Ascended Master PAUL the VENETIAN, THIRD RAY.
The Masters of Wisdom Speak on The Seven Rays. "The Bridge to Freedom Journal". December 1952.
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