Why a growing number of men do not want to get married.#relationships #marriage

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I agree with all of this except....it should be noted that more and more women don't want to be in a relationship at all.


I happen to work in the legal system. 98% of the laws that govern marriage were created by men. The majority of judges that enforce those laws are men. The majority of Congress and Senate are men. If men do not like what’s happening to them there is no excuse for not changing it.


Reminder: These are the consequences of negative relationships. Those who grow up, self reflect, assess their own issues, make improvements and find a partner who has done the same, they get the side of marriage and family that people tell stories about. They get loyalty, respect and unconditional love people strive for. Marriage is only a shitty experience for those who do not take the time to learn about what they are signing up for.


Fewer women are getting married too. Especially if some men are emotionally unavailable, are accustomed to being mothered, are unable to communicate effectively or are emotionally immature. Some women are looking at that, and the dating culture in the society we are in, and saying the same thing.


It’s all true. Yet love always prevails. We just need to relearn what intimacy really means. Be courteous enough to tell the truth


I am a woman and i do not want to get married.
Sober. Celibate. And saved


Why isn’t everyone really telling the truth. People need to open their eye’s and see what’s the real agenda is. What exactly is really being pushed. They want everyone separate. It’s easier to take you out like that. It’s harder to take out a team even if it’s just two people.


This is new but I do hear more and more and more often from people that I know that women do not want to get married or even be in a relationship


Woman here. Addressing both parties in any relationship- learn to negotiate, understand contract law. IF you choose to get married, understand what role the silent party (government) will have in that contract, and both human parties discuss.


You can always sign a property separation agreement. As much as you contributed during the marriage, that's how much you take back at the end of it (if anyone was wondering)


Idc what the internet says. I will find a person I can spend the rest of my life with. Life has never been easy alone and I don’t care what other life challenges I face because I always find a way through it or around it. In the end the only goal is to continue life being grateful for the many moments of happiness. Light doesn’t exist without the dark.


I don't wanna get Married or have kids, or have sex. I just wanna live alone, be alone, die alone, I'm tired of people hurting me, I'm tired of family hurting me, I'd rather abandon everyone and leave, I don't want to party, I don't want friends, I'm done. I'm not man, But I'm done with people, I lost my emotions and now I'm numb emotionally, I'll work a job and live my life, But that's all I want is to be alone, I've been rejected by men cause they think I'm ugly, I'm done, and I've changed my look so many times, but I quit this sick game, I'm gonna be alone forever.


Get married religiously not legally. That’s what I did. So many women want the legal part and the ring. But this is just a paper. Have a real marriage not a document.


I agree with you my friend also my boss married a woman with 3 kids he’s a doctor she’s a nurse that never works just lives off of him and draining him of all his money she cheats like there’s no tomorrow and turns it around on him and she’s trying to take everything he’s got and he has done so much for her and all her ungrateful kids I think it’s terrible I see a lot of women do this they plan it out and I was married for 27 years and we sold the house split it half and half I didn’t take anything else of his he cheated I was upset but got over it obviously it just wasn’t meant to be and I let it go maybe 2-3 yrs ago we’re friends because I had kids with him & don’t see a reason to hate but u have to be careful who your in a relationship with before u even think about marriage


If men stop cheating on their wives and stop marrying the 304s, this won't be an issue. When you're creating a child with a stay-at-home wife, what do you expect?? Of course you'll still provide for them after divorce. Stop blaming women and the system for your choices.


Marriage is great just not how it’s done now and until I changes I’m 37 and won’t even consider it.


As he ever heard of the 4b movement because there are women out here that don’t want to date, get married or have children.


Yes the majority of men are the larger financial provider, BUT the women sacrifice their career for the WHOLE family. She will either work part time, or be a full on stay at home mum. So yes she will get a pay cut and be doing UNPAID work, of being a caregiver to the kids, keeping a home, make and keep appointments and the majority of the time run the finances like a well run ship, so how many hours does the woman work?? probably 100+hours without financial compensation. I’m not saying that men don’t partake, but let’s be honest the majority don’t and I wish that wasn’t true. Just because the men are the financial providers let’s not forget the unpaid duties that women actually do in a family dynamic.


Meh, you got your facts wrong on this one. Marital assets are generally split 50/50 upon divorce, so no, it's not the man losing half 'his' stuff. Males are the ones who suffer inflammation with a break up, women do not. The happiest demographic is single, childfree women. More women are breaking free of the delusion and are opting out of relationships with men altogether.


I personally know a few women who are the ones paying child support and alimony to their exes. These women were the primary breadwinners in their marriages... If men are worried about the financial aspect of divorce, one solution could be to seek out high earning career women for marriage. There are plenty of women like that nowadays... Or just don't get married at all. That's fine too.
