The meaning of life: What makes life worth living? | Frank Martela | TEDxHelsinkiUniversity

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In this talk Frank Martela, who has published several academic articles on the topic, will tell you who invented the phrase 'meaning of life' in 1834, why the crisis in meaning started in 19th century, and where to find an answer to the question in our secular age.
Frank Martela is a researcher at University of Helsinki focusing on meaning in life, compassion, prosocial behavior, well-being and human motivational psychology. He explores these themes through psychological methods and conceptual work, both within the context of social psychology and philosophy. Frank received his Ph.D in Applied Philosophy and Organizational Research from Aalto University after which he has worked at University of Rochester, USA before returning to Finland and University of Helsinki.
Frank is a popular speaker and author having written several books for general audience. He is also one of the founders and current chairman of the board of Filosofian Akatemia Oy, a company that is specialized in measuring engagement and motivation at work, and consulting organizations on how to improve them.

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