A Baby Born With A Mermaid Tail Can Hold Him In Their Arms After He Lives Long Enough

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The Parents Of A Baby Born With A Mermaid Tail Can Hold Him In Their Arms After He Lives Long Enough

This is so sad! But I’m thankful that his parents got to meet him and hold him before he passed.

A man named Stefan Shaw and his now ex-girlfriend Chelby were about to become parents for the first time. As any other couple, they couldn’t wait for the moment when they would take their child in their arms. Unfortunately, when Chelby was in the 20th week of pregnancy, the scans showed something devastating.

The fluid from the amniotic sag was gone and the baby had no kidneys. Stefan and Chelby were told that they wouldn’t be able to see their child enter this world alive and that broke their hearts.

However, despite the odds, their miracle baby Joseph was born seven weeks prematurely via a C-section.

Joseph didn’t only lack kidneys, but bowels and genitals as well. Despite all that, he was breathing. His legs were fused together and he resembled a mermaid.
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I wish he lived more years. This would be amazing


How did they know the baby was a boy without any genitals?
