Priority Seats and Invisible Disabilities | Fashioneyesta

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Hey Everyone!
Todays video is going to be a rant where I talk about priority seats and people who judge people for not looking "disabled enough" to sit in them.

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Music Used
Rainbows: Kevin MacLeod

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Welcome to my channel! My name is Emily Davison, I'm just your average girl living with Septs Optic Dysplasia (I made a video on that) I make videos on disability awareness, lifestyle, fashion and beauty. I make vlogs with my Guide dog Unity by my side and I'm all about changing perceptions towards disability. Please subscribe for more and join the team!

Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored or affiliated.
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I have invisible disabilities and visually. I have the rights to sit in priority seats on public transport. I saw an elderly lady needing a seat and I got up. I gave her the sit and literally almost fell in her lap. LOL


Hi Emily Great video x I had this experience on a bus getting on and school kids in the priority seats they wouldn't move so I couldn't be bothered telling them to move my husband just took me further up the next seat I did wish I said something when I got off but the bus driver did not tell them to move neither. My husband said it's not worth the abusive language they say .Also couple with shopping seating in the seats wouldn't move not even for the elderly. Nobody cares today all for themselves. So sad really.


I haven’t been on public transport in a while but I have heard about able people judging a person with a wrist disorder that I have (standing while holding poles is really painful) and when a older person is standing everyone expects her to stand instead of themselves


Brilliantly said and spot on. I've actually been accused of making up the fact that I am severely visually impaired in order to sit on a priority seat. I was texting on my phone so I'm their eyes I can't be disabled. I taught the m about hidden disabilities, but it's very trying having to explain so often. Keep up the good work


I had a walker and I was getting off a bus, when an older lady, with a shopping cart asked why I didn’t get off earlier. And another time, I had a cane and this older lady got on the bus and insisted that the Priority Seats were for Seniors.


Yeeep yep yep!

My daughter has a severe invisible disability, and we have had so many dirty looks, mutters under their breath, or just out right shouted at us :/


Hi Emily i, like you am blind in one eye and partially sighted in one eye. I've had to endure discrimination my whole life (47 years) especially on buses with my travel pass. What you do for people like us is inspirational keep up the good work im now a subscriber xx


Hi Emily 👋
I 100% agree on what your saying and I’ve definitely had some of there experiences (even when I’m with my mum 😂)
It also makes me laugh when people say ‘oh your not disabled enough!’. I mean what does that mean 🤣
It sometimes does make me angry as well as making me laugh.
Also good luck on your guide dog fundraiser page ❤️❤️


Some people just don't seem to understand what we need


This was the first video I have watched of yours and loved it! Totally agree that people have lost respect for others and it irritates me to no end. I just don’t understand why everyone has to be so mean to others. I was raised to treat others with respect and how you would want to be treated!


Hi Emily, I'm in a wheelchair ( PURE AUTONOMIC FAILURE) And registered blind severe SI byad trouble getting in the wheelchair bay on busses because mother's with pushchairs won't move. Also how can I let people know I'm legally blind as I can't use a guide dog or cane in a wheelchair ? Thanks for your videos, can you do a video showing more of Unity going through a typical day out with you ? Thanks and Regards Roger x


Great video Emily. So true. People need to learn not to judge others by their and I need to remember that disability don’t have to be visible.


He was probably embarrassed, that's why he said he wasn't meaning you lol
Good on you for sticking up for this.
Even though you shouldn’t have to


Last week my carer was taking me to the eye hospital on the bus v1 bus and we were sat in the priority seats and a lady came overand said you can’t sit here because your not disabled or elderly, so I lifted my cane up and said don’t judge a book by it’s cover because I am disabled, well as soon as she saw my long cane she apologised then said you don’t look blind.


Thank you for bringing this topic to the fore front ! I’m so sorry people don’t get it. 🙄❣️


Before I was in a wheelchair I still couldn't stand or walk very far due to an invisible disability and needed those seats. It was a very busy bus and a woman got on with her visibly disabled sister. Because of how full the bus was and the fact the disabled sister was walking slowly the able bodied sister got to the priority seats before her disabled sister did. I was in one of them (about 21 years old at the time but I look very young) and a teenager in the other (no idea if he needed the seat or not, that's not my place)the able bodied sister sees us and yells at us that her sister needs to sit there, there's nothing wrong with us etc we need to get up. I wasn't comfortable with my disability at the time and there was a seat literally behind me so I moved, as did the teenage boy who went to the back of the bus. Now id like to point that had I actually seen her sister id have moved anyway because it was very clear she physically could not walk very far and I could it would just hurt and I'm a faint risk. And if the sister had asked nicely I also wouldn't have an issue with moving. But the way the sister spoke to me and the fact she spent the entire bus ride talking about how ignorant today's youth are etc. If this was to happen to me today I'd calmly explain that actually I needed that chair and show my disability bus pass (well I'm in a wheelchair now so not an issue)


Hey beautiful. Just a quick hello as I saw you on Sky news and had to add you. First thing I noticed about you was how drop dead gorgeous you are! Secondly I’ve suffered hate because I have hidden disabilities such as Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis etc. I won’t bore you with them al lol. Anyway I will be back on YouTube later to watch your videos and chat more. Lots of love and hugs. Julia xx


I definitely know what you mean I'm a blind person I have 5% vision in one eye I have a guide dog and I have arthritis in my spine my back problem so when it is damp cold and rainy days I can't walk very far so apparity seed is good for me and my guide dog. Plus I'm sick of people thinking I'm training my guide dog and it's not mine if a person has a guide dog and it is a white harness that means a person is a blind person if it's a puppy Walker the dog will have a blue sash on that says puppy in training tactics or if it's training with a harness it's a brown harness and the personal who's training it normally wears blue that's got guy ducks printed on it it is annoying when people think I'm training my a dog so I definitely know how what you think it is annoying send embarrassing when you have to explain yourself great video by the way from Sharron and my dog Tudor. X


Hi Emily, ‘touch wood’ I’ve never had issues with priority seats, i prefer to sit in the second in seat instead if the priority seat, i find i am in the way or people spot my guide dog so feel they need to talk to ger or me! 😂 i have had people move out the priority seats as it was busy and thats when i struggle finding a seat, I can’t see peoples faces so wonder of people give me disgusted looks! The problem i have is people sitting on me! Yes honestly, i like to sit on the isle seat and will move across if peoole need the seat next to me, i do this as my guide has been accidentky kicked or stood on when people plonk themselves next to me! But people dont ask me to me, bearing in mind i wear wrap around glasses and my guide harbess is in my lap, they just push me as the sit down assuming I’ll move but half the time I don’t realise whats happening until they start pushing! Rude! Just talk to me and i can then move and let you know i have my guide dog under my seat! Gggrrr xx


I have a congenital muscle myopathy. I can walk and do most things ok but my arms, calves, and ankles are particularly weak. Luckily taking a bus isn't a common occurrence for me but I had to when visiting a major city for an appointment last year. I am not strong enough to keep myself steady and the rocking and trying to keep my balance caused my ankle to sprain. Which resulted in me limping and in lots of pain for days after. But if I tried to sit in one of those seats I would get glares because I don't LOOK disabled. I mean if you looked at my arms (I never show my legs) you would see they are quite thin but most people just think I don't eat. Yes because food goes straight to my arms, not my ass... My dad has the same condition and at one point he was 250 pounds AND with skinny arms and legs.
