5 Signs the World is Young!

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It is one of our most recommended resources. Chapter 4 deals with dating methods and the age of the earth.


You could be forgiven for thinking that the age of the earth has been established with absolute, unquestionable certainty. The scientific evidence, we are told, has conclusively shown that it is 4.543 billion years old (give or take a smidgeon). Case closed.

Hold on—not so fast! Is this really ‘case closed’?

What most people have NOT heard is that there are many scientists around the world who vigorously disagree with this conclusion. On what evidence? Well, they, too, say “Science!”

Join one such scientist—biologist and science communicator, Dr Don Batten—for a discussion of just five (of the many) scientific evidences that point to a young earth. (Also, note the extensive supporting material in the ‘links and show notes’, below.)

00:00 Teaser
00:30 Introduction: 5 evidences the earth isn’t billions of years old
00:47 Evidence 1: Rock arches
04:24 Evidence 2: Salt in the sea
08:38 Evidence 3: Rock bending
12:32 Evidence 4: Flat gaps
15:59 Evidence 5: Helium in zircon crystals and argon in feldspar
16:20 → Helium in zircon crystals
19:44 → Argon in feldspar
21:17 Conclusions/implications
23:30 How to get more info—and get _The Creation Answers Ebook_ for FREE!

*Evidence 1: Rock arches*
*Evidence 2: Salt in the sea*
*Evidence 3: Rock bending*
*Evidence 4: Flat gaps*
*Evidence 5: Helium in zircon crystals and argon in feldspar*



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I'm convinced this guy knows what he's taking about. I would like a debate between him and an old earth scientist to debate one or two theories. I've watched such debates with bio chemists like James Tour who exposed how little non- biblical scientists who champion evolutionary theories actually utilise evidence to support their position.


Thanks dr. Don, you're amazing, Glory to Jesus


Lord JESUS please hear my prayers.I’m struggling providing for my children. I’m so discouraged. As a single mom Lord Jesus I’m overwhelmed. I have two beautiful boys both are special needs. I’m overwhelmed because they require so much from me. Every month is a struggle to not end up on the streets. Lord grant me strength while I struggle to buy groceries and while I struggle to pay rent each month. With you by my side Lord I know all is possible.💕


Can't hear, CMI. Something is wrong with the audio, I think.


Would love to hear any counter arguments. What does “mainstream” science say about how rock arches were formed and why they crumble.


I actually don't need to even watch this video because if I believe that Christ died for me and many other things in the Bible then I have to believe that God created the Earth in 6 days. I also have to believe that sin did not enter the world until Adam ate of the fruit. If death and sin existed before Adam then the rest of the Bible is just words with nothing backing them up.
I watch these videos to help me present the creation to non-believers.


Sorry, but as a trained geologist, I must point out that these arguments are not scientifically sound in the slightest. They're a prime example of cherry-picking certain observations while ignoring many others.

1) There are over 2, 000 arches in the park. The attrition argument ignores multiple realities: weathering rates vary through time with climate, tourism has made them more vulnerable, and the Entrada Sandstone has not been exposed to the surface since the Jurassic. In other words, modern weathering rates cannot be extrapolated

2) Ocean salinity represents an equilibrium between what comes in from land, and what is taken out through hydrothermal alteration of rock, subduction, and formation of evaporite deposits (halite, gypsum, etc). For example, there are vast deposits of halite in Spain that represent salinity removed from ocean. Arches NP is underlain by salt deposits as well (which is part of why the arches formed).

The argument in this video seems to completely ignore the other side of the equilibrium equation, as if salt just accumulates indefinitely, which it does not. These salt deposits also rule out the concept of Noah’s Flood - perhaps that is why they're ignored?

3) It's been well-demonstrated in the lab and field that solid rock can bend. For example, folded sedimentary rocks in the Grand Canyon contain trace fossils (burrows like Skolithos), and have cracks perpendicular to bedding. This means they were solid prior to folding, because soft sediment deformation destroys trace fossils, and the rocks have to be solid to fracture. In the present-day, the fact that earthquakes are limited to the upper ~15 km of crust, proves that the rocks deep below that actively fold instead of breaking in earthquakes.

4) The He argument completely ignores the fact that He diffusion from zircon ceases below ~200° C (i.e. the closure temperature). The samples we measure have cooled well below that, which is why they still have helium.

5) Again, argon diffusion totally ignores the fact that closure temperature for Ar in minerals is well above 400 or 500° C, even higher than helium.
Analysis of solar wind shows that 36Ar is the most abundant argon isotope in the cosmos. The fact that 40Ar is the most abundant on earth (because earth has potassium) proves it is old!


I have a question please answer if you know.
How can we observe galaxies that are millions of light years away (meaning it took light millions of years to reach us) when the universe is around 6000 years?


The Bible shows us the history of this universe. We don't have to rely on mere human beings to figure this out.


There are no indications whatsoever that the earth is young…..get over it, you’ll never get anywhere with such nonsense….time to bite the bullet !


The Bible does not indicate anywhere how old the earth is, read the first line of Genesis 1.
Here no time period is clearly indicated.
Only in line 3 does the 6 day creation begin.
Adding up the ages of generations does not indicate how old the earth itself is, nobody knows that, so it is not worth discussing.
So the Bible indicates exactly how it is.


You say, the earth is as the Jewish calendar, 5, 783 years from Adam. However the Bible also states one day to God, is the same as one thousand years on earth. Stating it took God six days to create earth and man, that’s 6, 000 years alone, at the start of Adam’s time. But what is time, there is no time in heaven as eternity has no time as on earth. Meaning God still created the heavens and earth in his time, not ours, a moot point.


I do believe God created the world in 6 literal days, but I don't like weak arguments. "Rate of attrition" of stone arches is a horribly weak argument. The simple counterargument is that the arches are at their "end of life", where millions of years of erosion have caught up to the arches and they're all collapsing in a relatively short time frame. I mean, suppose I'm meet an elderly group of 5 siblings and 3 of them die in the first 3 years I know them. Using this guy's logic, the siblings cannot be 70-ish years old because the "rate of attrition" suggests they'll all be dead in a 5 year timespan. That's obviously nonsense. Just because I didn't meet the siblings until close to the end of their lives doesn't mean they didn't live long, full lives. Sorry for the morbid analogy, but I think that makes the argument a lot more tangible than discussing "millions of years" that are difficult to grasp.


God created in 6 literal days..the 7th day he rested...7 day week...6, 000 yr old earth=6days since the beg..the 7th day= the thousand yr millennium kingdom Christ reigns here on earth..one thousand yrs as one day & one day as one thousand yrs


I could give you 5 signs that my grandmother is young. If you’re going to use science and not the Bible to argue that the earth is young, I’m afraid the preponderance of scientific evidence indicates that the earth is old.


Okay, so you believe the Earth is young. You say its because the Bible says so, so I want to ask you a question from one Christian to another: where in the Word does it say to preach the age of the Earth rather than the gospel? It doesn't really matter if the planet has been here for untold eons or if it was formed last week, what matters is: have we surrendered our lives to Jesus? Focusing on arguments about unimportant trivia instead of helping people find the Lord isn't going to earn anyone a "well done, my good and faithful servant". Believe what makes you comfortable concerning the planet, floods and dinosaurs,
and let others do the same. Tell them the good news.


Dr Kent Hovind a researcher has been a long adherent of a young earth and opposed to mainstream evolution theories.


Lab equipment accurately counts atoms and measure isotopic ratios.
Scientists inaccurately interpret the data.


Praise God! His word always proves true in the end
