Scalar Waves

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Good day folks, I'm just brushing up on scalar wave understanding, lots of mudd and dead ends I try to tie together for myself and hope the view may also be beneficial to others as well.

Keeping the description brief here, The conclusion is it takes more than just the raw generation and detection of scalar waves to yield all those interesting results we are all looking for.

I digg deep into this and also talk about the nature of scalar waves.

Tom Bearden had the right idea. But he left out all the juicy points. While he was alive and occasionally questioned for clarifications of the actual practical workings, He simply stated along the lines that because on confidentiality agreements he can't release that info!

Since i'm not bound by contract as so Tom claimed, I'm going to freely talk about it and expose the important and very likely intentionally left out info.

To end my report, I say that perhaps by accident Tom left part of it slip indirectly, When he introduces the idea of his phase conjugated mirrors very much like in optics, He goes on to say without explaining it in details, use a nonlinear medium (such as a core hint hint) and have two coils with bucking fields one at HF the other at LF, this will then create a nice potential within the core of regular EM wave with a new frequency that is the middle between the offset of the two scalar waves!

It's also this concept we need to take into account if the goal is to create a real Tesla like interferometer, You actually need (4) wave generators, with them all target beam at the same remote spot.

This review helped me, And I hope it may shed some light and help others as well!

It seems like traditionally electrodynamics has it all wrong and has us lead to believe we have to work counter to this force in order to get "work" When really once we understand the underlying concepts, We can instead work as easier if not better using the natural momentum of nature own scalar systems and work in sync with this wave instead of countering it. It just makes more sense if we built our electrical systems around this concept instead of the silly closed loop.

Please help support my research! More info here! Thanks!
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thanks for all your help and getting the word out and not being greedy like the rest of these ppl




Might be a good idea to backup your work on several different media. ALL your work in case they screw with your channel sir. God bless and thank you


Thanks for sharing this, Joel. I was fortunate to begin my understanding of this subject area through Bearden's videos, and to a lesser extent, Bedini and Eric Dollard. Bearden, Bedini and Dollard have convinced me that open systems, for me, are the only way forward for anyone seeking localized energy independence. It's nice to hear someone speaking the same language for a change.


Friend, I commend you for your effort to explore this topic. Though I cannot presently comment with competency on the claims of the physicality of the scalar component, I would comment on the phase conjugate system you question.
Just as old radar has had many different variations even within the single radiator model - dipole, yagi, parabolic, and so on; you would also be aware of the phased array system. A popular retro-reflector is the van atta array, which performs a quasi phase conjugation. Of course, this is not necessarily a true phase conjugation.
If there is mainstream indication of a free-space photon interaction, we would likely point to the photon-photon scattering feynman diagram (two-photon physics). This is a rare occurrence, which should indicate that a requisite is spatial coherence (perfect phase conjugation).
Back to the transmitters you referenced. It is not necessarily true that at least two transmitters are required to form a conjugate pair. As D. King reported in 1964 (Self-phasing array antennas), you can place a circulator between the antenna and a mixer with a local oscillator, producing a conjugate through parametric oscillation for instance, and returning it to the same antenna. Of course, you could simulate a pilot signal by sending out an initial signal through the same circulator, perhaps through an isolator (though there are many means of realizing something). If used in a phased array, you get a quasi-conjugate passively self-targeted radar beam. Still not quite sufficient to call it a phase conjugate mirror.
Now, say you take the same self-phasing array, and put it inside a reflecting box with an aperture chosen according to the operating band. By method of images (imagine being inside a mirror room), you have a vast volumetric array of these arrays in image space (time). Now, make the aperture diffractive (for instance, by keeping the area of the aperture, and splitting it into many slits; or by putting a bunch of parallel wires in front of the aperture), and you get a highly multi-path system that is greatly spread in time on the inside. Something like this may approach much closer to spatially coherent microwave pairs.


Another thing to consider, With that said in the video, It means by nature all radio broadcasts have a small scalar component to them as well. Without any special intent. Of course it will be much weaker, How ever because of the nature of scalar it should travel much greater distances and not be subject to fading etc as in traditional RF. To of course we can build fancy communication systems knowing this. How ever in the spirit of keeping things simple, Take a simple "analog" radio Give it a DC bias, So 2V DC to start Minus goes to antenna and plus to radio ground. just a few volts of negative bias! don't go overboard you don't want to kill the radio, it should tolerate a few volts fine. This would give us a "reverse" DC bias to the RX section of the radio, This opens up those "hidden" scalar" sub carriers that Bedini talks about, A simple "fine" scalar tuner would simply be a small variable DC power Supply! Now for the antenna, We want the antenna to be Scalar sensitive and not RF, The easiest way is making your own balun with a ridiculously high impedance on the antenna side. Have a loop antenna and put it inside thick metal tube. For RF shielding, In many cases ESP on shortwave, You will hear the stations much differently now, As your going to be tuning into the scalar competent. If you think there may be "Hidden" scalar sub carriers, Vary the bias slightly to reveal these hidden channels.


Hi Joel…

Absolutely fascinating especially as I’m a psychic medium and you’ve mentioned scaler waves with regards mediumship.
I’m looking for advice on something I’m working on to create a healing device using frequency. I’ve so far not been happy with how the frequencies are transmitted towards people.

Many thanks



7:15 probably is scalar and ant scalar, aka inward and outward in all direction both implosive and explosive waves of omni direction in the 3D, as we know Omni is horizontal radial signal and not a 3D sphere rather disc


The cancellation point is pure awareness and no thought or construct can get it with effort. 
Thats why we can't "get it". Because it is not a thought construction or something we can learn. 
It is already here and it is absolute and "empty".
Else you wouldn't experience life as now. 
Life it self does not need explanation or measurement. Ask a dog if it needs measurement to exist. It's simple just there, no need to measure it.


I'll be rewatching this many times to fully understand. With the paranormal though it's not just in the brain but there is a deeper connection to something else that is omnipresent though all space and time even deferent combinations of reality and it's vary fundamental. That's why you can destroy the brain but the soul still remains because you are not at all localized to one brain or object as they to have this connection to the naturally occuring programming of the universe. Energy, souls, consciousness can never truly die and that's because they are fundamental.


you know, I think that maybe free energy is already in operation, and that that is the reason people are getting all kinds of symptoms, such as brain fog, lethargy, humming and tinnitus and tingling sensations in the limbs.


Ok, watching now the last part of this video i can tell you where to find exact setup where all what you say is happening. And this is patent NL1032759 Arie deGeus … and it is use of the aether with the help of magnetic 180 degree shift field to extract energy from zero point energy. Where zero point energy is realised with standing waves with harmonic resonance.
I know sounds complicated, but is just a simple circuit that can do this with very few losses and cascading more circuits like that can offer a scale up to any desired level. Have a look at it and find which component doing what. ❤


scalar wave is a 3 dimensional wave, you cant have scalar without 3 phases, a single phase will create a shape more like double helix, thats 2D not 3D . aka Triangle, i could be wrong but you need at least 45 degrees to make a triangle or 3 connecting points to make 3D


Joel i need some help with blocking scalar waves, please help


can you talk more about the poynting vector flow


The first thing that comes to mind is that you should be able to bring the ground voltage to below zero. You can amplify and manipulate the forward voltage, why not the ground? Negative pressure for the voltage?


Very interesting. "Scalar Radio Ability". What could a person theoretically be able to do if they had that natural or man-made ability?

I've been curious about Scalar technologies since I was a teen. Scalar does not have a wave component?


Maybe Tesla was trying to emulate the third dimension when he designed a 3 phase signal (ac) . I am sure he was working with single phase ac before he realized the dimensional properties of a single sign wave and said hey what would happen if we had two sine waves together and then 3, ?


any frequency wave that emits outwards in all direction


Hello Joel. I found joy in your willingness to explore antigravity field propulsion on your G wave episode. I have a small group of people dedicated to that if you are interested in joining us before 501c3 establishment I will provide the Discord Server for you. I want you there :)
