Meme MAP [Part 7]

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What's this? Kaniel posts 2 videos in the span of 1 week??? Yup! Aaaand I'll probably not post in a long time again so enjoy :"D
So there was some controversy around this MAP, it was inspired by the whole meme drama, but I wanted to take advantage of it and try something new! I'm rather new to editing compared to animating. I actually WANTED to challenge myself to tween more and OH BOY this only proved yet again that TWEENING IS SUPER HARD. Costed me a lot of nerves. I actually tweened pretty much everything on photoshop CS2 - yes, that means that I tweened each frame individually ; v ;
Also yes, I animated myself for a change : D Tried to fit the whole concept around the lyrics (I always do whoops)
All the pictures used in the video are made by me and came from my phone. I'm a sucker for landscape photos : D I made them more "aesthetic"-y with Photoshop : D
Overall this was super fun and relaxing! You can tell by the fact that it took me only a couple of days (started on this only a day after I posted burnt rice)
Enjoy : D
Рекомендации по теме

DUDE I can barely tell you're relatively new to editing with this omg I absolutely adore the effects in these aaah


ohh my god dee this is so much fun to watch i swear i watched it like 300 times by now xD amazing!!!


This meme part is literally amazing oh my gosh ????


This is so smooth and beautiful, my god!


So cute!
Reminds me of boyinaband
Amazing work owo


I feel like there's literally too much effort
