January 12, 2022 - 'There are big changes coming.'

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“There are big changes coming. Things on Earth are going to get worse before they get better.”

— Adam Burns, New York City Graphic Designer and UFO abductee, December 27, 2021

Interview with Adam Burns, New York City Graphic Designer and UFO abductee
- New hypnosis session
- “There are big changes coming. Things on Earth are going to get worse before they get better.”
- “There are many beings trying to take control of this planet.”
- “We have to evolve to a higher consciousness”
- “…the environment…is a ticking time bomb”
- “yes, we all have souls.. you are that light”
- “a thread of gold light…the blips of light are a lifetime in a body…they choose the next one”
- “they have mastered higher consciousness”

Alleged transcript from Camp David with President Ronald Reagan and CIA Director Donald Casey
- “the USA has been visited by extraterrestrial visitors since 1947”
- “two ET spacecraft crashed… in New Mexico.”

2021 was Earth’s 5th hottest year
Rain falls for the first time at Greenland’s ice sheet
Europe has hottest ever
Earth could warm by “catastrophic 2.7 degrees Celsius”

Good news
- James Webb telescope completes full deployment!
- Massive asteroid will zip past Earth next week.

Books mentioned:

The Unknown Other: and the Existential Proposition of Alien Contact
By Lester Velez


Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice


Contact Linda directly:
Linda Moulton Howe
P. O. Box 21843
Albuquerque, NM 87154

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For international translations, please see closed caption video at end of each recorded broadcast. If [CC] is not working, try again later.
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Light and Love to you too Linda and the team behind the scenes. Appreciate you all deeply 🙏


Linda, I am profoundly moved by your presentations! Thank you for your astute and discerning intelligence, and especially for your caring heart for all human beings as well as for all sentient beings!


I honestly feel like if they released we are not alone in the news..the millenials and almost everyone else would prolly be like:"cool"..and go right back to thier phones scrolling on Instagram and tictoc...like no big deal.


We need truth right now! We must save our planet❤️


Love you too Linda🤗 Truth and light ✨🙏🏻✨ onwards we go.🌹


I have watched Linda for soooo many years, and have always been fascinated with what you share. I think you did a very nice and calm show tonight while talking about a serious situation. I really am upset that humanity here on earth have been kept in the dark, and I don’t understand why…what is their purpose? At any rate, Thank you all on Earth Files for such great work. You all truly care and it shows. ❤️


Your shows have helped solidify my 60 years of seeking the truth and enlightenment. I will always want to know more. I have followed you Linda for years.


I have always enjoyed your company on coast to coast, now here as well:
I am so appreciative of your efforts, great information, and the awareness you have set out to help with, to those who have the will to listen.
A gracious thank you to you Linda, we LOVE YOU!
those gorgeous cats, its great seeing them too, very sweet! ;-) !!!)


Great interview on light, "Physicist David Bohm said, 'All matter is frozen light, ' meaning that light and life are the same essence in two different states of existence. One is the formless, spiritual Light we call God, and the other is the transformed expression of that Godliness we call life.


I love Chocolate and Fluffy. They are adorable. I live in Puerto Rico and it's very cool here. Nights are very cold lately. When I moved here end of 2011 the summers were very humid and now they aren't too bad. We must have shifted on our axis. I remember the stars and moon in different locations in the sky. Thank you for the great show.


Love to listen to your segments and much love to you Linda and your precious cats....they are so beautiful like you!😇


Ive been following your work for a few years, and i can honestly say that your message/work are being received on all platforms on social media."people are listening" ty and much love and blessings


Thank you all very much, especially Adam.


Adam has done a fantastic job in trying to dissipate many of our questions. God speed.


Sadly I was unable to watch you live, but I'm watching now and your words of love have moved me to tears as I've never felt loved before but you saying that you loved us all made me fell loved for the first time in my life and I'm 46 I believe you and in you. I feel we are all one but the years of lies have confused consciousness so much we have forgotten this. I hope to be able to watch you live next week so that hopefully I will be able to tell you in real time just how much your work means to me. You work so hard to open people's eyes to what is really going on and I want to be able to tell you just how much I appreciate you and your work. P.s love your kitties 😸


Hey Linda, " I " love you too! You don't know how much it means to have someone like yourself we can go to who is sincere authentic scientific and you don't have a hidden agenda. Utube is swarming with silly stupid narcissistic little channels of nonsense. Earthfiles and all your books are a beam of light. Thank you for all your tenacity!


That’s it I’m going into the next life. Good luck folks. May the force be with you. 🖖
On a serious note thank you Linda. Very enlightening and positive conversation. These times are stressful but exciting. Take care sweetie and stay safe. ♥️💫✨👽


Dear Linda, thank you profusely for bringing forth the truth. We all have been waiting for it. ♥️


You bring me JOY...with none naive expectations...thank you😇🎯


Thank you miss Linda, I can only be hopeful that humanity shall have prosperity .
