The End Times ARE HERE! Exclusive with John Rich #history #apocalypse #prophecy #news #endtime

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Some believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. We cant find that in the Bible, so we have to believe in a post-tribulation rapture. John Rich feels the same!

It is crucial for us to remain vigilant and spiritually prepared for the prophesied end times. We need to stay true to the teachings that guide us through these prophetic revelations.

#EndTimes #PostTribulation #Faith #BibleProphecy #StayPrepared
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John Rich definitely needs to be back on the show again. He was amazing and is a great speaker!!! GOD is definitely using him!!!


Could listen to John for hours stirs up fire in my bones! Great boldness! He's a preacher and singer both!!


That's right John Rich, we have to not be deceived, keep our head on a swivel and pay attention always to what's going on around you !


People will take the mark out of pure lack of knowledge, but that will be their own fault.

”My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.“
Hosea‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

God says people will perish because lack of knowledge. As christians we should be proclaiming the gospel to every creature.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭15‬ ‭


Remember that the Great Tribulation is not YAHAWA’s wrath, it is actually Satan’s wrath therefore the reason it will come after the ones keeping and believing in YAHAWA’s Law and YESHUA’s testimony


If believers think they won’t go through the tribulation, you really need to go back and study, Christ continually stated “ to him that endures”, “ to him that endures to the end”. Did not Abraham take Isaac all the way on foot to the top of Mt Moriah, place him on the alter, bind him, get the tinder ready, and raise the knife before he was stopped? Christians, believers please prepare to endure to the end. His return is just before the end so that every believer is not killed.


I'm a real Christian who's waiting for the Rapture and have read all the way to the end of revelation we already know what's going to happen the Lord shows us through his word but it doesn't mean that we supposed to be here to experience it❤


I told this to a few of my church people they shut me down.


Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the HolyGhost

This is the Gospel we must obey


Unless you are dead, you will go through everything, you will not be protected. The people who think they will be saved by floating in the sky will fall back down to earth....hard.


I used to believe In pretrib but it's not pretrib it's postrib


Matthew 24:29-31 AND GUESS WHAT IT IS A SALVATION ISSUE!!! REVELATION 22:18-19 if you add to this book plaques will be added to you if you take away your name will taken from the Tree of life. We MUST stick with scripture❤


Thii it s has been my biggest problem with these false teachings. Millions will parish, not for a lack of knowledge, but for incorrect knowledge.


THE BIBLE TEACHES POST TRIBULATION RAPTURE READ John 11 verses 24, 25 marthaa said she would see her brother on the Last DAY in the resurrection the lord did not correct her here and say oh no martha it will be 7 years before the last day instead he just resured her that he was the life resurrection and it is here that he would of corrected her it POST trib folks


@hope ​​⁠ I’m not sure what if your comment is meant for me but I was speaking of the Great Tribulation, that happens before the return of Christ.


And what are the Revelation 3:10 I mean basically States he's going to keep us from this hour of testing that is going to come upon the whole world to test those to dwell on the Earth what about that


Jesus took our wrath on the cross for All who believe .. Jesus will not beat up his bride.. we will experience man's tribulation .. read your bible !! The thief will be for unbelievers. The bride keeps watch.
Research a galalean wedding !!
Go watch Before the wrath .


Many believe that they are saved by accepting the Lord as their personal savior and still live a ungodly life of sin and very unholy lives this not biblical ACTS 2:38 repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins and receiving the Holy Ghost many we should follow and put into action the teachings of Gods word not just part of the Bible
