What to GROW in your GARDEN so you can EAT YEAR-ROUND

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High food prices. High fuel prices. Food shortages. There's only one way to overcome it. Grow it yourself! What you grow has to last all winter though...

Fresh Ideas. Natural Solutions. Simple Living.

We want to share with you the things we wish we would’ve known when we started homesteading. We want to inspire you to find fulfillment on your homestead spending quality time with your family, eating nourishing food that you've raised with your own two hands, and caring for the earth while you’re at it! We also want you to know that being a homesteader doesn’t have to look like Laura Ingalls Wilder…

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I just found your channel and have been binge watching for days. So much great information and lots of encouragement! One day our family hopes to have our own little homestead.


Soak your corn in a tub of water with the husk on. Then put it on the grill for about 15 to 20 minutes. The corn will steam and be so tender and the husk and silks come off so easy. You can soak your corn anywhere from a hour to 4 or 5 hours. It will not hurt it to be in water for a long time. 😊


This has to be one of the best gardening channels i have seen, I really love how you guys interchange in the video and each have a part that you present .


If I could subscribe 50 more times, I would. Great video and content. Keep up the good work, friends!


I don't think that I saw you had any concord grapevines, jelly and grape juice. Also if you have any problems with deer, plant daffodils around your apple trees. Also may I suggest planting shrubs that will draw polinators such as spirea, butterfly bushes, and hydrangea. This will be good attractors for bees to make honey. You may be able to get a start of these from friends or neighbors, if they know you're looking for them. Your family is going to have healthy meals this winter.


Those would all be on my list too. I love winter squash.


You guys need way more subscribers really. Quality content here.


I've failed twice I think I'm doing my soil wrong but I will see now I planted some of my beans in my raised bed fingers crossed


Just found your channel. Really love it! Currently binge watching 😁


I have a backyard postage stamp size of a veg and fruit tree garden. I love your channel.


Love what you do. I had a very bad bug year 3 summers ago so what I did the next year was transplanted some of my strong smelling herbs within the rows of veggies (lots of spring onions oregano and even some garlic oil spray. Worked like a charm. They were so confused.


My wife and I are just now considering planting veg garden above ground. We live In central east Florida. A freeze is really rare and in August, September it can be very wet not to mention if we get a tropical storm or hurricane. I have enjoyed listening to your gardening videos and you are a great teacher. Our house is on a 1/2 acre plot so we have some room to put to good use. I would like to grow potatoes, sweet corn, peppers, green onions and radishes. We can't wait to get started. However we live next to a nature preserve and wild land so there is no shortage of raccoons, coyotes, opossum and varmints and wild hogs. Thanks again and I have learned so much and have subscribed to watch more. Ted in Sebastian, Fl.


I can’t believe how informative the first two videos I’ve watched on your channel are!!!! Definitely a new fan.


You guys are on to something. You make it look so easy and are so knowledgeable about farming. You take your time explaining the things that can go wrong. I know everything is delicious. Great job!


I think apples and walnuts are definitely also survival crops. Way less work than annuals, super nutritious, and apples store through the winter, while walnuts store pretty much forever.

The reason why I'm picking them above other fruit trees is because they're the safest. Perhaps this is different in other areas, but where I leave in central Europe, the apple and walnut trees are full each fall. There's never an off year, the way there is with pretty much any other fruit tree.

Also, while walnut grows slowly, the flipside of that coin is that a walnut tree lasts a lifetime.


You guys together are amazing
Keep it up 😊


So glad we found you guys. We enjoy hearing about you and your family. God bless. Thanks


Great content...practical suggestions...so happy I found your channel...best of luck with your harvests! 🌱🌞🏠🌻


Thank you for this general overview for a lof of us novices. The way you presented this content was so apt for millenial viewers. Your channel does that exceptionally well.. Well done! Happy New Year to your lovely, young family..


Have you tried growing the lettuce and spinach on the north side of any building, or corn field?
