You'll soon be able to say "Been playing Vel'Koz before he was META.".
Wardstone also gives 20% AP, amongst other stats, so it's still amplifying his damage and etc while going for said cheap and utility-based vision control item !
I love that build! The movementspeed is so damn good. Just won 5 games in a row. This is it!
Seeing that from the mad lions coach makes me hope to see nisqy play vel koz in lec soon. Keep up the good work azzapp. Next game vs t1 we win for sure.
We all know Vel'Koz will never be meta until he gets 3 dashes and his E has no travel time and stuns the enemy for 3 seconds :P
2:35 No longer a mythic, it is a legendary now
Extremely cool changes, good video Azzapp, cheers mate.
I tried it the last days and it feels really great ty for always Azzapp
"Third item almost never reaches."
You overestimate my ability to close a game out.
This build is insane!
You do a huge damage while lets you adc do more damage. o.O
This is some insider knowledge right here guys. Watch this to get ahead of the curve before riot nerfs this now broken champion!!!
FOURTH, always happy to be a jhin player
luv you azzap, always have always will, you're just too darn funny and good at the game
I tried that build and went 16/2 and 13/7 in straight games, gotta say my adc wasn't all that happy but we got both wins
Great build, also, I like your hair.
all this time ive been building sorc boots when they build magic resist. lmao
Wondering, but is Vel'Koz mid no longer viable? I used to play him a bit mid back when I first started league (Im still like level 50, so still pretty new :>), but I usually play mid, so I was wondering if he was still viable mid and if so, what build would I be using for him? Thanks :D
Have one question about the runes; I usually go first strike whenever I am with a scaling champ and dark harvest when im with a usefull adc. However I have been thinking with the DH set to use inspiration secondary with future's market and boots since banaflow band isnt a requirement thx to the mana regen the mandate gives. Do you think its a good Idea or should I stay with scorch+ manaflow?
Now that mandate and harvester are his standard build for support, i believe it could be useful to go ingenious hunter in the domination tree of his runes. Is it viable ?
i havent watched the vid yet i assume great vid as always but i just find it funny that we are showing off damage against an aphilous lol
Tried it since the update, games are a lot more viable now, and even behind you can do soo much damage
The speed is really nice too, paired with more mobile adcs doesn't feel that bad anymore
Still waiting for the W execute buff tho
When velkoz becomes popular people still complain that you're picking meta