Learn English: Daily Easy English Expression 0296 -- 3 Minute English Lesson: food for thought

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Today's E-cubed: food for thought
I really want to master English.
Are you studying a lot?
Three days a week.
Here's some food for thought: they say it takes 10,000 hours to master something—how many hours have you invested?

This is a video for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners. This video explains a common expression in American English. It also explains typical American pronunciation.
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Thank you so much for your lessons from Vietnam 🇻🇳.The expression I learned this morning is Food for thought. What, is that food just for looking, not for eating? Yea, but nothing like that. If something is food for thought, that means something we should think about it carefully, and we shouldn’t make a quick decision; take our time to meditate on it, like don’t just swallow it chewing on it—Master in English skills required for a lot of food for thought. Could you please explain to me more about that? Please give me one example of that expression, and it’s not food for thought to you, isn’t it? Today is Saturday, 18 June 2022, in my country Vietnam 🇻🇳. Have a lovely day weekend 🥰


We hope you will, Shane. That would be wonderful to see you on YT in 40 years. I think you will become a Magus at that time. People will start speaking English fluently just after watching 10 of your videos. :)


Hi Van, thanks for leaving a comment, I sure do appreciate it!!!^^ "Whatchamacallit" is an expression or shorter version of the phrase "What You May Call It". I hope this helps!!!^^ And also, please call me "Coach Shane"!!!^^


How can I master English? That is food for thought.
I found that my Eng studying style is so biased toward reading.
I had tried some Eng conversation classes for years, but it couldn't last for some reasons. But I can't deny they all helped me improving Eng ability little by little.
I believe Coach Shane's Daily Dictation will be a good training.
I've ever st


Thank you David, I really appreciate it!!!^^


40 years later, I hope I'll know at least 4 languages: Vietnamese, English, French and another that I don't know yet. And I'll always remember Shane has teached me the real English :D


udied dictation for TOEIC. Looking back, I think it was a standardized for TOEIC test.
But Coach Shane's DD deals with various kinds of English materials. It must be a new experience to me.


Our competitor's new approach has given us food for thought about our marketing policy.


for sharing, Ling! :-) Much appreciated. Especially on a tough day like this. Ugh! Have a good day. 


Your lesson gives me some food for thought. Being a Master in English, it's not a dream and i know it will all come down to my will power. Thanks to Shane, you make my road of success shorter and hopefully you'll be continuing your dedication. Daily easy english expression is great program and I want to see lesson 1000th  and more!!!


Hi, Mr Coach Shene. i'm very love your E3 because it have for my leaning in EN
but i need you help
my friend leaning in university, her major is a doctor for fish but but i don't know whatchamacallit.are you know that?
long for your answer
Truong in Vietnam


Raul! For some reason, your comment was hidden! Have you added me on your G+? Thank you for your comment anyway though!! I'll add your request to my HUGE list. Please be patient with me. Thank you as always. (^_^)

In reply to Raul Guerra

2 weeks ago
Hey Shane!!! Your class is ever gorgeous to learn. Can you do a video with this expression: "It's raining cats and dogs"? Thank You!!! Master!!!


That is some food for thought = We should think about that


The “10, 000-hour rule” — that this level of practice holds the secret to great success in any field — has become sacrosanct gospel, echoed on websites and recited as litany in high-performance workshops. The problem: it’s only half true. If you are a duffer at golf, say, and make the same mistakes every time you try a certain swing or putt, 10, 000 hours of practicing that error will not improve your game. You’ll still be a duffer, albeit an older one.


Ali Samieipour Very kind! Thank you!! (^_^)


So! To become a master, one has to spend 10, 000 hours on the subject?
How do husband and wife to master their marriage?!
This is food for though!
Especially highlighting that both of them need to be willing to become a master!
But working on the subject 24/7, this shouldn't take to many years ... if the marriage survives ... of course!
Before getting a marriage license, we should go to college to learn about marriage ... and its end!
(There would be less marriages thanks to the 10, 000 hours).
