Sasquatch: An Historical Overview—John Green at the 1989 Sasquatch Evidence Symposium

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Many thanks goes out to Larry Lund for providing this video.

On June 24–25, the second ever Bigfoot/Sasquatch conference took place. Numerous luminaries of Sasquatch research were present including Rene Dahinden, John Green, Grover Krantz, Vladimir Markotic, and Thomas Steenburg. This video showcases the presentation by John Green titled Sasquatch: An Historical Overview. I will upload most (or all) of the other presentations in the future.

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Wow, you just keep hitting home runs, Todd! To those of us who have been involved/interested in this subject for decades, these are fabulous treasures!


Such a humble guy that John Green was, I dont think he knew just how popular and resourceful he really was. John Green will still be talked about 50 years from now, must have been awesome to see this in person at the time


Always nice to listen to John. Out of the four horsemen he was the most sane and legit. He wasn’t doing this full time. He didn’t sacrifice family or job searching for the fame and money. Even though I loved Rene and his antics. John was a true old gentleman.


Love to see someone sayin "AN historical" instead of "A historical"!!


What is more of a mystery to me is why some people find it implausible to have another biped walking the planet along with us. Surely we walked along side other bipeds, I’ll bet many other bipeds through Human history. Through modern science today we are finding out each year that we ourselves are a mutt species to some degree. 
Every single human with the exception of Africans have between 2 and 7 percent Neanderthal genes within their DNA so it’s not only without doubt that we walked along side another biped but interbred with them. The question of how many times the Human species interbred with other bipeds Is being unlocked today through modern science.
The forests and jungles of the world are so vast, we don’t know what could be living there.
Man has NOT covered every inch of terrain on the Earth.

Consider this....
In the NorthWest forested mountains of America 4 aircraft have crashed never to be found again. They just disappeared in the vast
If that can happen then why couldn’t another bipedal species of reasonable intelligence hide in the same forested areas rarely seen by Man.
I think the next 20yrs of science will uncover Human origins with some astounding facts of how we developed as a species ourselves, I believe we will understand just how we “morphed” into what we are today (Modern Human).  

RIP John Green.
To me, he is the GodFather of the Sasquatch community.
