Do you know what is Dark Matter?

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What is Dark Matter?

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Dark Matter is known in Kundalini yoga and in the Vedas as either the Akash or Ether


Bro u make nice vids
Deserve more subs


But in Indian Vedic books or other sacred books say that every world, planets are inside an ocean maybe it is related


We are also, may be, just maybe, invisible to the dark matters.


There is an elephant in the room explanation for those abnormally high rotation rates. For some reason people don't know that Einstein said that singularities are not possible. In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" he wrote "the essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of GR predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light."
Einstein was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y). This is illustrated in a common relativity graph with velocity (from stationary to the speed of light) on the horizontal line and dilation on the vertical. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside/stationary/Earthbound observer.
General relativity does not predict singularities when you factor in dilation. Einstein is known to have repeatedly spoken about this, nobody believed in black holes when he was alive for this reason.
Wherever you have an astronomical quantity of mass, dilation will occur because high mass means high momentum. There is no place in the universe where mass is more concentrated than at the center of a galaxy.
According to Einstein's math, the mass at the center of our own galaxy must be dilated, in other words that mass is all around us.
It was recently discovered that low mass galaxies (like NGC 1052-DF2) have normal star rotation rates. This is what relativity would predict because there is an insufficient quantity of mass at the center to achieve relativistic velocities, therefore they are not infused with dilated mass.


Close your eyes see open them see blackness....( Shiva)


Imagine one day we evolve and see a giant being rotating planets with 10arms + mini arms


gracias por los subtitulos, con mi pobre inglés batallo para comprender este contenido tan importante.


I didn't know it's John Cena


Maybe light doesn't even travel at 186000 miles per second in outer space maybe slower or faster maybe 90 percent of our understanding of physics doesn't even apply to intergalactic space.


Dark Matter is
Multidimensional Creative POTENTIAL
Waiting for thought to make manifest .😊


Einstein said that singularity is not possible. Well in reality yes singularity is possible.Darkmatter is real and why we don't see it.
We do see it . When we go out into space. 🌑 Darkness is all around us . That is Dark Matter .
Imagine this. Let said we go into space, and is not Dark but Iet said is white, like a early morning 🌅.
That is a singularity. Low 🔅 Energy
Dark is a High Energy.But the Mass of the Universe is equal all parts of the Universe.


Sadasiva, only we see him after death, we all, stares,planets,,Milke way and other all sitting on him, in bhagavat geetha explain this who dark


Mother nature is vary fair! That's y am watching it nicely.


We, .humans are Children playing in the garden..looking the grass and the ant, It, ..and pretend understanding How those things work, ..or why😂


Dark matter/matter would have to be 50/50...everything has balance...


This is we're ghostes come from ! Lol and dark glass! I don't mine talking to ghostes like buff fees the vimp say her; 🚀👽🛸👽


Seems made up to me, I am reserved on space travel and space concepts. As none of us have been there and rely on people to tell us, and rely on pictures, provided by the same sales men.

So anti matter and gravity is correlated? I know there is light in space, space between the light to create a contrasting form.

Is this some more backwards logic, anti matter is the absence of matter, is it even matter then?

Seems fruitless


I wish I could have a telescope (but can't afford it) gifted by any noble, rich Americans to make my dream fulfilled since my childhood to see the stars, galaxies, planets and the universe, we belong to. But afraid it would end with my life like many other things, I do desire. No matter if there are many more in the world that are enjoying my dreams. I enjoy such clips that video clips like this made my dreams come true to see the Universe and it's mysteries, though passively. Thank you all for sharing.


mattah parataram naanyat kinchid asti dhananjaya
mayi sarvam idam protam sutre mani-gana iva.!!.
