Using big data to customize learning (Learning World: S5E35, 2/3)

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At the Arizona State University, using Big Data in education is no longer fiction: the learning process in subjects like maths is digital and fully customized. Software analyses students' every keystroke to figure out their learning styles. The software collects information from the devices the students use and collates grades, learning skills, strong and weak points as well as hesitation patterns when using the computer mouse. This customised learning style also impacts the teaching methods, by giving teachers more time to support students individually, and less time lecturing...but is there a flipside of the coin? What are the limitations of this method?

World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) is an international, multi-sectoral and action-oriented platform for innovation in education that connects innovators, nurtures new ideas, and recognizes and supports successful initiatives that are helping revitalize education.

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