Path of Exile 2 - How to Make Ascendancy Trials EASY & Get ALL 8 Points FAST - Sekhemas Chaos Guide!

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Path of Exile 2 trials are BRUTAL but this trick makes it EASY! Enjoy!

Monster Hunter gameplay is on hold for now we look at new Diablo 4 Season 7 VS Path of Exile gameplay first impressions new player Path of Exile 2 trailer release date Path of Exile 2 new gameplay first impressions class new classes witch co-op multiplayer Path of Exile 2 best class new player guide starter tips tricks leveling Path of Exile 2 endgame gear skill gems items talent tree boss bosses leveling Path of Exile 2 warrior marauder duelist mercenary huntress ranger monk shadow witch sorceress druid templar level build skill guide gameplay explained best Path of Exile 2 class ascendancies ascendant chronomancer best trials endgame Path of Exile 2 early access cruel campaign endgame gear uniques Path of Exile 2 early access new gameplay classes leveling guide skill tree Path of Exile 2 best build builds guide skill tree uniques skill gems gem support gems Path of Exile 2 ascendancy skill tree reveal guide best class build choose for you stormweaver titan warbringer deadeye pathfinder blood mage infernalist witchhunter gemling legionnaire invoker acolyte of charyula Path of Exile 2 new player starter guide gear rarities unique uniques crafting disenchanting mats materials quality salvaging gold sockets runes items orb orbs transmutation augmentation ring amulet stash PoE 2 build guide boss bosses Path of Exile 2 player numbers boss bosses difficulty new patch update nerf ascendancy point points spirit Path of Exile 2 hard difficulty review gearing Path of Exile 2 Cruel Act 1 2 3 endgame maps build builds gearing gear farm unique gear power guide atlas skill tree waystone farm tier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 exalted orbs hideout breach rituals delirium expeditions pinnacle boss guide Path of Exile 2 gear farm exalted orb orbs farming trading guide rare unique resistances best build highest damage Path of Exile 2 ascendancy trials trial of chaos trial of sekhemas honour resistance boon affliction scorpion boss pinnacle!

00:00 Guide Introduction
0:39 Where & When You Can Get Ascend Points
2:35 Trial Of The Sekhemas Guide
9:40 Trial Of Chaos Guide
14:10 Conclusion

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Here is a big thing for those controller players like myself. Change the interaction button from the standard A button to left trigger A in the key binds. This way when you get to the dark crystals, you can click them even though you’re in combat where if you put a weapon skill on there, you’ll be unable to click it until you kill everything. This allows you just run through click run through quick run through quick while not giving up that weapon bind on the main key bins.


All I know is. Melee sucks with the honor system


for the escort one, if youre having trouble, just run through the map once, kill things and then escort

there will be spawns along the way but its gonna be much less enemy density that way


Who ever though that honor was a good idea needs his head read


Fun fact: for the twin statues boss in Sekhemas, you have like two seconds to finish the the second one after killing one, to prevent it from healing and powering up. I have cull slotted into my basic shot; I bring them both into cull range, and then put them both down. Saves so much time. =^.^=


The "trails" are the worst part about the game... I made it through the first one as a warrior and it was a nightmare. I've made it to the boss in the trials of chaos and it's a nightmare. I don't have the patience to go through all the BS in the trials, only to die to the boss before I even learn their mechanics. To then have to go through all the BS again to find a different boss to learn. Not a fan of the "Here's a bunch of really cheap debuffs" as "difficulty"....


I did not know that the Timed Crystals in Sekhemas pointed to the next one, i was running around frantic and failed them alot. Game changer.


The ascendancy quest from Act 2 Cruel onwards is bugged for a lot of people. We can't get more than 4 ascendancy points. There's a 75 page thread on it in the official forums.


For 3rd and 4th ascendancy, I found it pretty reliable to just go for water nodes and spend it all on the guaranteed merchant after a boss kill. If you hit 50% off merchant prices it gets very easy because you can just buy off all boons


Great video breaking the whole mechanic surrounding ascendencys down! Thx this was really well put together and helped alot. :)


Lvl 63 on the 3rd trial of chaos sucks hard as a ranger, the afflictions are really draining over the 7 fights, going to need level some more.

Also go down the steps if you get the chimera, there’s more room to fight


Huge tip i havent seen anywhere and i wish i knew you can get unlimited access to the trail of sekhemas if you dont finish it so if you want to farm those relics


Another thing I'd recommend for people with friends, do your trials solo. Especially the honor trial, you share the honor pool and it doesn't scale for 2 people but the enemies DO scale. My friends and I found this out the hard way


One thing he didn't touch on is melee when it comes to the honor system. What i have found playing as a Monk (may or may not apply to warrior as well) is that 3 things help a lot CC such as frost or stun makes closing in safer, very high damage because staying close is dangerous so you want to kill fast (this applies at high level too because it can't hit you if its dead), and reach/gap closing (block maybe as well im not as familiar with that) because it will let you hit first. Even outside the trials these are all things that you should take into account for your melee build.


Ascendancy Trials are the worst part of POE 2.


Finally an actual helpful video for this part of the game. Appreciate it


On my Warrior, stunning both of the second bosses with Sunder and then dropping a Seismic Cry + Hammer of the Gods deletes both bosses pretty easily. But an alternative I stumbled across first; Drag the bosses to the left or right side of the map when one of them are primed for a heavy stun. When you're at the edge, heavy stun that boss, then run straight to the other side of the map. The one that wasn't stunned will follow you, whilst the one that was stunned will stay where he was, turning it into a 1v1 fight so long as you don't get to close. The bosses have nasty attacks, but they're all front facing, if you ride their ass you can avoid 95% of their kit as melee without much issues.


Biggest issue is the traps. The traps do insane honor damage. Use blink if possible to bypass traps.


You got me through dogma now this game 🎉🎉


Did my first Chaos trial today and got the owl at the end. Just got wrecked by that tornado and thought, "Oh man I've got to level MUCH more before trying this again!". Luckily, I decided to give it one more go and got the beastlord one and had a much easier time.
