Bill Johnson's Theology and Movement Examined Biblically.

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Come with an open mind and an open Bible. We will try to really understand what's going on with this movement, what's up with their theology and how we ought to respond to it.
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Hey Mike, I thought that this was one of the best and most thoughtful presentations on this subject. You did a super good job at not jumping on the "condemnation bandwagon" or the "defending the person bandwagon". I actually went to the School of Ministry at Bethel (I even met my wife there) and your thoughts about their teachings and theology are pretty spot on. I think that the theological concerns that you made mention of are extremely valid and ones that I share myself. Having a well-rounded theology is a major weakness and needs to be addressed there. I believe that true biblical and spiritual authority comes from actually understanding the meaning and the authorial intent of the text. Although God is faithful to his Word and so many amazing things have happened and are happening (my life was dramtically changed after being there) being correctly grounded in the Word is still paramount and you did a great job at making that seen.


Tozer said that almost every apostasy in the church can be traced back to an overemphasis on one of God's attributes to the neglect of all the rest.


For years I have been in bondage to guilt for not having enough faith to believe in healing every time for every one and listening to this has set me free! Thankyou so much for opening my eyes to what scripture really says.


This is, hands down, the most accurate and even-handed analysis of Bill Johnson and Bethel Church that I have heard anywhere. I have listened to dozens of presentations, and yours is the only one that got to the heart of the matter, both theologically and methodologically. Thanks for your excellent work.


I was part of a church for 5 years that was super keen on Bethel and their practises. I moved away for work but still fully trusted that they were following biblical principles and trusted that church. A few months later my then boyfriend (now husband) shared this video and it radically changed my views. I now consider myself to be evangelical instead of hyper charismatic Pentecostal. I have said to him many times since then how glad I am that I watched this video. I have watched many more of your videos since then and it has been so good getting decent biblical teaching. Thank you so much for your ministry and for making this video ❤️


I had a friend who went to Bethel school then came back home a few years later. Ran into him in a coffee shop and he could tell I wasn't doing good and offered to pray for me. Then he prophesied. Everything he said was the exact opposite, no exaggerating, literally the exact opposite of what God had been telling me which had been confirmed with others. He was obviously not prophesying but speaking from his own soul, emotions, etc. It was all positive feel good, gods going to make it easy for you in this season.

God had already told me I was going to enter a difficult season and I would face many trials, that many would not understand, but He would be with me. Time bore out the true word of God which confirmed he wasn't speaking from God. But the confidence on his face was unsettling, and I knew at the time it wasn't from God. I've seen a lot of this from Bethel.


Mike, I struggled with not being angry at Bill's teaching. Your heart and patience is contagious. Your balanced and loving approach convicted me. Thank you for not only teaching correct theology but also for showing the fruit of the spirit as you teach us. God bless you.


I'm only at minute 47 and im already so HAPPY I could cry. I am a person with a back issue that is visible when I walk. Ive been in hundreds of environments just like this where prayer equals instant healing so people can clap. I cannot tell you the PRESSURE that puts on me. I stopped going for prayer cuz the PRESSURE makes me feel so bad afterwards... you know...cuz there MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG with me or in my life since I didn't get healed. It's crushing!!! I actually left this movement becuase of things like this.
Since then ivs been trying to understand where it's off and get simplified language to describe it!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the lists of theology and practices and why they are off. I know something is off with Bethel and Jesus Culture but I couldn't tell another why with succinct definition and language. I SO APPRECIATE you digging thro the material to tell us this. So Grateful !!! Bless you.


An incredible effort to explain the fundamentals of Bethel's theology, and pointing out where it matches scriptures and where it deviates from scriptures. Mike, this is truly the work of a shepherd, a teacher who knows he will be accountable for what he has taught. I had a lot of respect for your work, this one 10x it. Thank you.


I grew up in the church. I'm a PK and walked away from my faith for a loooonnnnggg time due to burn out, sin ect. Anyway, you have encouraged me to study my Bible and get to know Jeusus (the Jesus of scripture) you will never know the effect you've had on my mind and heart. I appreciate you very much. Also, one time this pastor stayed in my room and read my journal then "prophesied " over me the next day... nott knowing I was writing a fiction in that journal... it had nothing true in it. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ yeah, the church messed me up a lot that's just one of many stories lol . Again, thank you for your hours and hours of research and diligence. I truly appreciate you teaching the scripture and the youtubers you've recommended also. The first video I saw of yours was actually the Ravi Zacharias video and as someone who lived through something similar I truly appreciated the care and thought and heart you put into that. The family was most assuredly victims also. 💔 your awareness and compassion for how you handled that is why I kept watching you. God bless all you are doing brother.


I actually got saved in a church that follows bethels teachings. As a new Christian I had no idea of the teachings or practices. Although, when I met my husband he was very biblically sound and had training and knowledge in the scriptures. Once I watched “American gospel” I was in shock of the differences in what bethel teaches and what the actual whole Bible teaches. It was confusing and I searched out the truth for myself and found MASSIVE discrepancies. It’s scary and sad and confusing for baby Christians. 😞


This is an example of speaking the truth in love. Thank you!


Brother, I am a pastor who has a life background and ministry. This was one of the most carefully crafted, insightful and encouraging presentations. Thank you and I would love to interact through chat. Keep up the good work.


Mike, this was my first introduction to you and your ministry. I was very impressed by the love, kindness and gentleness you exemplified in sharing this examination of Bill Johnson's theology. I was also impressed by the level of preparation it took to deliver this. Thank you!


People can have a zeal without knowledge. The Bible speaks of that as well. I love zeal for the things of God, but zeal without knowledge of Gods Word can get people in trouble.


I am watching this quite a long time after the original release and have a few observations.
1) Bill Johnson is one of the people that Paul warned the church at Galatia about:
Gal. 1:6-10 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel-not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Mr. Johnson is very clearly preaching “another gospel” contrary to the gospel of Christ laid out in the words of the Bible. As such, he is accursed (Merriam Webster = being under or as if under a curse; damnable).
2) For him to stand in front of a group of people, choose 1 verse, take it 100% out of context and then have the audacity to say that God didn’t lay out the teachings that we are to follow is heresy (M-W= adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma)
3) The Bible is clear that we, true believers, will be able to look at the “fruits” of another person’s life and tell if they are also a true believer (Matthew 7:15-20 (words of Jesus Himself): Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, not can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. This you will recognize them by their fruits.) This section of Scripture goes on to say that NOT every person who says “Lord, Lord” will enter into God’s kingdom. Even if their defense is, “But I prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name and did many might works in your name.” << This description fits Mr. Johnson to a “T”
The Bible says what it means and means what it says. Adding to, or taking away, from it to make it fit your own ideas goes against the very sacred words written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and spoken by Jesus Himself. It is so sad, to me, that so many are being led astray by someone who so clearly, both in word and action, does not believe that the Bible is the inspired, FINISHED, word of God; that it doesn’t mean what it says.
Scripture interprets Scripture, period.
My prayers are with those sitting under his teachings and is specifically that they will be able to use the words of Jesus and identify his fruits as being bad for them. I will also specifically pray for his conviction and repentance from his error filled ways.

As always, thank you for all that you do!


Gods word is complete, in fact we are told in and all through out the scriptures NOT to add or take away from it.


I was a follower of Bill Johnson for years. Honestly, it was really good for a time. So I appreciate more than you know that you aren’t slandering or attacking him or this movement. Instead you’re presenting sound theology and letting it speak for itself. The scriptures is its own best defense. I am now in a place that God is expanding my view of Him to include the whole Bible and its sovereignty and infallibility. Sola scriptura. I spend my days studying systematically and listening to Paul Washer, and you cover topics like this in love. So, thank you for your uncompromising diligence to The Word. 🙏🏻


Your humility is on another level brother! This is the first time I’ve seen anything from you and it has hands down blessed me. Thank you.


I'm halfway through the video, and have listened to several clips of Bill - he is the master of verbal legerdemain. He does not give a logical argument but uses humor, appealing ideas without a basis in Scripture, and and other rhetorical techniques to persuade people to his position.
