Honestly Reviewing Every Cozy Game I Played Recently!

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AD | Have you picked any of these up? Let me know how you found them in the comments!

Some of the games in this video were gifted to me so this does mean this video is now an Ad per CPA's influencer guidelines. But this was not a paid partnership and all views are my own.

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00:00 - Intro
00:51 - Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends
04:05 - Tavern Talk - GIFTED/KICKSTARTER
06:33 - Fireside
08:31 - Magical Delicacy
10:53 - The Star Named EOS
12:21 - Go-Go Town
13:24 - Broken Lens
14:47 - Into the Emberlands
16:22 - Ova Magica - GIFTED
18:46 - The Garden Path - GIFTED/KICKSTARTER
21:09 - Thanks for watching 💛

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Glad to know some more information about OVA Magica! I will be honest, screenshots from in-game does NOT do the gameplay any justice. 😅


I seriously cannot keep up with all the amazing cozy games coming out but I love it!!


Do you always plays on steam deck? I find it quite difficult to addapt some cozy games to the controllers, especially the more "point and click" ones. It's so nice to have someone review this kind of games with a steam deck opinion! <3


New game coming on Sept 12 to keep an eye on: Garden Witch Life...if you think you know cute...this game will up the cute factor!


Awesome video!! I only played Ova but have wislisted Go-Go town and Magical Delicacy.
Since the time you played, Ova Magica already got several updates tackling your feedback, including faster levelling (both battling and feeding), easier blob world, and a battle analyst skill to see opponent's typing in battle!
They also introduced longer days and an Easy Mode for those who prefer a cozier experience!

I'm sure when you get back to the game (maybe for Full Release or before), you'll have an even better experience!


Go-go town was great. Loved my time with it.
Didn't realize that Broken lens was out - had a un time with the demo, which was also quite tough in spots.

Lately I been playing Natsu-mon and been having a great time with it exploring and catching bugs.
love thats theres so much choice and something for everyone.


Similarly wanted to love Magical Delicacy, but it just didn’t hit the mark for me like I anticipated. And I played Broken Lens with my son who loves those spot the difference kinds of games! While the broken robot didn’t come into play like I thought it might, we enjoyed our time with it. I need to look into Go-Go Town and Ova Magica a bit more before I decide on them, but I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your time with them for the most part! Thanks for the roundup 💜


I am so heart broken with the garden path! I was broke and had to make a choice between garden path and moonstone island. I chose the garden path and about an hour in I gave up because although I enjoyed the characters and mechanics I just couldn’t understand the symbols and what the quests were asking of me. I couldn’t find guides online either…so I ended up not being able to play ANY game with the little money I did have ;-;


So many games Ellie !!! ❤ I’ve played so many too 😅 I cannot keep up!


Thanks for playing games Ellie so I don't have to😁 Seriously though these videos are so useful. There were a couple of games here that I was on the fence about and now I know are not for me. Sadly the two I am still interested in are currently pc only so will have to wait until the switch release. Just as well I have plenty of cozy games to keep me busy in the meantime. Currently loving Everafter Falls👍


Great video! I've wishlisted Tavern Talk. Don't know how I missed it, but I'll definitely be checking it out sometime.

Another visual novel that came out in June was Until Then. Haven't finished it yet, but I really enjoyed the small bit I did play and it's currently at overwhelmingly positive on Steam. Bit on the expensive side, but there is a demo.

I'm a fan of metroidvanias, so Magical Delicacy has been fun for me. The limited inventory is definitely not great, but I really love the world building and meeting all the characters.


In September...we are getting Bloomtown(steam) and Plucky Squire (steam and switch)


I I played rolling hills to completion. It could’ve been better but I enjoyed it for what it was. I’m playing magical delicacy now and have similar feedback. I’ve unlocked fast travel and other quality of life things and money isn’t a problem in later game. I think the map could be better and inventory management too. You get storage and backpack upgrades but even those stop and are fussy to manage. It’s almost a great game. I’m going to finish it since I want to see how the story resolves. ❤


Rolling hills was very nice game. Played it for 25 hours.


I’m just discovering cozy games now since I recently bought a Nintendo switch.
What is the best game out right now in your opinion?
For reference I LOVED cat cafe manager! (Part 2 is coming and I am SO excited!)


I agree with you on Magical Delicacy. I LOVE the art style but the gameplay is not ideal


rolling hills reminds me of a pay to win mobile game they tried turning into a full game.


Anyone ever play sticky business I’m thinking of getting it but I’m still on the fence about it lol
