Nokta Makro LEGEND | Beach Metal Detecting (south coast detecting)

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Nokta Makro LEGEND UK BEACH HUNT (south coast detecting)

About me…. I’m normally hitting the parks or the beach with one of the many detectors I use for metal detecting the beach and fields. Metal Detecting can be fun and at the same time a nightmare due to the way the beach is always shifting, but if you hit it on a good day... BOOM! could be GOLD could be SILVER! Incredible. You can use these videos as a kind of online education but they’re really not! Oh and make sure you’re detecting is legal.

Machines used on the channel:
Equinox 800
Minelab Vanquish 540,
Garrett Ace 250,
Nokta Makro Kruzer,
Nokta Makro Simplex
and Go-Find 44
Pinpointer: Nokta waterproof

Metal Detecting is a good way of chilling out, its a good bit of therapy, fresh air, long walks. Its also a bit like those unboxing videos you see on youtube because even though you have an idea of what's buried below your feel you're never really sure. I've been Detecting with Deep Digger Dan during his digging the coast 365, that was fun. I used his XP Deus... Very light. I started out using the Garrett Ace 250 and then added a Nel Tornado coil. After that I started using a Nokta Makro Kruzer and some how managed to find so much more on land I thought had been detected to death. Silver coins, WWII badges and bullets and down the beach I've even found GOLD and Silver Rings. In my latest video I've finally found a Roman Coin and A Saxon Strap End. Subscribe to continue watching and see where this adventure leads me next.

My most popular videos

Inside Doc Martin's House Port Isaac


Nokta Makro Simplex Top 5 Tips for Beginners (2020)

Testing Simplex Beach Mode Metal Detecting UK (121)

Garrett Ace 300i Vs Ace 250 Who Wins? Metal Detecting uk (51)

Beach Metal Detecting UK Ace 250 | Best Find Ever!! (59)

Go Find 44 Beach Hunt | Metal Detecting UK (107)

Testing Nokta Makro Simplex Beach Metal Detecting UK (118)

Minelab GO-FIND 44 depth test Metal Detecting UK 2020

Simplex Verses... (125)

NOKTA MAKRO SIMPLEX Police Called Metal Detecting UK (2020)

Music provided by Argofox:
Everous - Core

Music provided by Argofox:
Hexalyte - for a While

©️SouthCoastDetecting 2016-2021
#TreasureHuntinguk​ #MetalDetectingUK​ #SouthCoastDetecting
Рекомендации по теме

Super hunt on the silver ring knew you find something good soon I saw the black sand poping up. And so spot on finding weights a good area to stick around for. Group of to cambersands tomorrow hope we have good luck down there be much easy digging when all just sand tho. Top one Arron 😊👍


A new detector, a new metal (Argentium) and new like 👍🏻. Thanks for posting 😊


Great to catch up again Arron. Especially nice for us to let you have the good stuff seing as it's your manor. See you somewhere again soon no doubt.


Great video Arron, find.
Great tips for new users of the Legend 👍


Thanks Aaron for taking us with you to the beach. I would be interested in a nail board test, once the new firmware with the iron bias is available.🍀


Thanks Arron, I noticed the fishing weight and ring were 46 on the vdi 👍


Tidy job arron funky ring Peter love beach detecting lol 😆. JB would of found 5 ring down there pmsl legend lookingvgood bit yhe vdi is I'm totally different to the kruzer it would be a whole new learning curve coming from the simplex or kruzer


Very nice 👍 ring and ring pulls 😂 😉 Stay lucky 😉


Thank you Aaron, appreciated. Think a bit more comments on numbers ! Can’t see the screen too well …sun & movement !


Nice video. Looks like a very good, and quite machine in the beach. Nice ring as well.


Nice little outing with the Arron that is, not the Detector. lmfao. Enjoyed my visit and the video.


Rings are always great to find! Good first adventure with the Legend, at some point I may be persuaded to put aside my Simplex and get one myself...


nice job on the ring mate, looked like a fun day :)


Hi mate my name is David from Queensland Australia I am a newbie (1yr exp since March 21) and I have been watching your shows occasionally, which I have learned lots of good things in metal Detecting, I am one who rarely comments on metal detecting shows like yours, as I rather watch, learn and laugh but since buying the Nokta Makro Simplex 2 weeks ago also, and learning from you amongst some other detector fella's, I have a question (and some interesting info) but first with the question, I want to know, Have you ever detected with a Quest metal Detector? I have a Quest x10 metal detector, which I have been learning on, and has been a very good detector in finding targets etc, in the last 5 months. It is one of many Quest Metal detectors and believe it or not, the Nokta Simplex has some similar control functions to mine, but more so to the Quest Q30 MD. The Q30 and X10 plus most Quest model control units, also have a back lighting, and a torch. I suppose you know of the Quest metal detectors? The differences is, the built in Pin Pointer in my Quest X10 sounds similar to the Simplex I reckon, but the digital functions are different. The Quest built in Pin Pointer, uses digital number function to locate the target, along with its digital depth control, that functions in inch numbering, to give you a near true depth of the target, which is useful, but can be a little confusing with the Pin Pointer numbering function. The Simplex Pin Pointer function, as you know has that circular bulls eye target digital imaging thingy, which I reckon is easier to locate, and better possibility of true depth. The Quest X10 isn't fully water proof like the Simplex is, but recently the owners of Quest, have produced 2 newer versions of the X10 and X 5, (which the X5 is the entry model) and both of newer versions, are now waterproof with more functions. What I am trying to make sense of here, is that I believe the Quest Metal Detectors, have been around much longer then the Nokta Makro metal Detectors, which has me thinking, that maybe the makers of Nokta Makro Simplex MD could have got some of their idea's from the Quest metal detector especially Control box units? (I still have to make sure of the year difference).I am not trying to point the finger or criticise either machine Just sharing this with you and maybe you could look into it. Over all I like both machines for their similarities and differences though I like Quest more, when it comes to targeting certain stuff like coins mod's and pre's


What sand scoop is that you are using please?


How do you stop the it being so chatty on the beach?


The first ring pull, it was probably seeing both the ring and the tab seperately and gave a rocky signal. It's a great feeling finding a ring ain't it? :) It had been a month since my last outing and the Apex found me a sterling Pandora ring this morning.


I just want to know one thing and it's international. Who goes to the beach drinks a soda then wiggles the pull tab off and throws it. They should be jailed for life. They need to figure out how to make those stay on the can forever lol


If you're not finding pulltabs you're not detecting.
