Have you ever hugged a tree? Be happy #hug #tree #oxygen #mentalhealth #vibration #happy #breathe

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Have you ever hugged a tree? To be honest, I haven’t yet!! I just discovered that trees have the same vibration as us and that hugging a tree helps us heal! Hugging a tree increases levels of hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for feeling calm and emotional bonding. When hugging a tree, the hormones serotonin and dopamine make you feel happier. Let’s try it!! Send me your photos of hugging a tree #hugatree #vibes #vibration #love #breathe #mentalhealth #happiness #oxytocin #dopamine #behappy #mentalhealthmatters #tree #hugs #inspire #serotonin #happy #oxygen
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Sorry about the wind noise. I have to get the video editing tool to learn how to reduce background noise - What Victoria is saying is ‘ This may look a bit unusual, but if you take the time to hug a tree, you will feel surrounded. It’s like you are touching God. Trees have vibration and so do we and I am sharing my vibration with the tree’
